
炎炎夏日,一口冰镇西瓜,甘甜爽口,简直是消暑利器 。


据白鹿视频报道,陕西西安的图图(化名)全家吃了隔夜西瓜后开始恶心、呕吐、腹泻,父母因为胃肠炎住进了当地医院,图图不仅出现胃肠炎表现,还出现贫血、无尿、肾功能衰竭,赶紧来到西安儿童医院肾脏科进行血液透析,血浆置换治疗 。
A family of three in Xi'an, Northwest China's Shaanxi province, has been diagnosed with gastroenteritis after consuming watermelon placed overnight in the fridge, all developing symptoms such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, according to Bailu Video on Tuesday. The child was even rushed to Xi'an Children's Hospital to deal with severe conditions of kidney failure.

Is it safe to eat refrigerated watermelon? The topic has once again taken over social media platforms.

其实西瓜是否隔夜并不是主要问题,关键在于是否有致病菌 。
一个好的、完整的西瓜,内部基本上是无菌的 。但切开的西瓜没有了瓜皮的保护,就算是放在冰箱中冷藏,菌落数也依然会上升 。
央视《健康之路》中的一个实验显示,实验人员分别用普通切肉的菜刀和专用刀板分别切取西瓜,封上保鲜膜隔夜保存后检测西瓜面,得到了差异巨大的数据 。
According to a study on bacteria formed in watermelon overnight, the researchers cut the watermelon with clean, specialized knives and household butcher knives. Pieces of watermelon were divided into experimental and control groups. After that, the watermelon was wrapped in cling film to preserve freshness and placed in the refrigerator for 24 hours.
用专门的砧板和菜刀切取的西瓜,每25g西瓜中检测出45个细菌 。而切肉菜刀处理过的西瓜,每25g西瓜中竟检测出8400个细菌 。
The results showed that watermelons cut with special knives contained only 45 bacteria per 25 grams, while watermelons cut with household knives contained 8400 bacteria per 25 grams.
研究表明,如果使用干净的刀具、砧板切瓜,且及时用干净的保鲜膜包裹并放入冰箱,就不容易有致病菌,即使隔夜也能吃 。
This experiment proved that watermelons cut with clean knives will not form deadly bacteria when stored in the refrigerator.
还有网友表示,可以将隔夜冰西瓜表面切去一层再吃,这样就不会把细菌吃到肚子里了 。
对此医生表示,这种方法也会存在一定安全隐患 。
如果没有被致病菌污染,即使不切掉表层,也完全是可以放心吃的 。但如果已经被致病菌污染了,即使你切掉西瓜表层,还是可能使人生病 。
最后,送上一些卫生小Tips,让你大夏天安全吃瓜 。
? 对于完整的西瓜,食用前用冷水清洗,去除泥土和残留,再用干净的布或纸巾擦拭干净 。For whole watermelons, run cold water over watermelon. Wipe the outside to remove any dirt or residue and pat with a clean, dry towel or paper towels.
? 对于市面上预切的或包装好的西瓜,选择冷藏或置于冰块中的产品 。When buying pre-cut or packaged watermelon, choose only those refrigerated or surrounded by ice.
? 切瓜时,用专用切水果的干净的刀和砧板,尤其不能用切过生肉的刀直接切西瓜 。Cut watermelons with clean knives.
? 常温储存勿超3小时 。高温环境下,无论是否贴保鲜膜,6小时左右就会滋生大量细菌,3小时以内细菌滋生量少,最好现切现吃 。Don't let watermelon pieces sit out at room temperature for longer than three hours.
