
魔兽争霸1.26改动介绍,魔兽争霸3秘籍分享 萧炎 2021年10月10日 04:21 20 0
Improved Lumber tech requirement removed.
Advanced Lumber tech requirement changed from Castle to Keep.
Developers’ notes: In a Human vs Undead matchup, the Human player is generally expected to lose some peasants throughout the early- to mid-game. The Human player also must invest in a lot of wood for early defense, and use militia quite frequently to defend, which causes them to have gold to wood ration imbalances. This change should help Human players balance their economy and make it slightly easier to transition into the later part of the game and unlock key units against Undead.
开发者评语:在人族打UD的对抗里面,人族玩家一般是会在早期到中期的过程中死掉一些农民的 。人族玩家同时也要投资很多的木头用以做早期防守,并经常需要使用民兵进行协防,导致了他们金木比例失衡 。这个改动是为了帮助人族玩家平衡他们的经济,并让他们更加容易的过度到游戏的后期来解锁抗衡UD的核心单位 。
Knights now have Sundering Blades by default.
Developers’ notes: With the addition of the Sundering Blade passive, we’ve really seen a lot more Knight usage and we like that a lot. However, it takes a long time for Knights to come online with their multiple upgrades. We feel that allowing Sundering Blades to be on Knights by default allows them to have an immediate impact when built, while giving them some uniqueness as a heavy late game unit.
开发者评语:随着我们加入了裂甲之刃技能后,我们看到了骑士的使用率得到了非常大的提升,这是我们所希望看到的 。但是要等到骑士完全升级它的多个技能实在是太久了 。我们觉得让骑士默认自带裂甲之刃能让他们一出生就马上能起到作用,并让它作为一个更具有特色的后期高级单位 。
Priest dispel range increased from 600 to 700.
牧师驱散范围从600提高到700. (译者注:根据下面的评语,应该是驱散的距离,不是驱散的半径范围)
Developers’ notes: Changes to the overall meta have moved players toward favoring range units in certain matchups. We noticed that whenever a priest would try to cast dispel, they would immediately get focused down by piercing damage and be killed immediately. This slight increase in range should improve the usability and quality life for the priest.
开发者评语:在最近的改动里面,我们主要到玩家现在在特定对抗中更加偏向使用远程单位 。我们注意到每当牧师尝试释放驱散技能时,他们就会马上被穿刺伤害集火而快速被杀掉 。这个稍微提高驱散的距离能提高这个技能的实用性和牧师的可用性 。
Scout Tower / Guard Tower / Cannon Tower / Arcane Tower repair rate is now 5 seconds faster.
Developers’ notes: This was a change we tested in a previous PTR, but pulled away from to see how the previous patch performed. Since then, we’ve seen players shift to more ranged units, and we feel this change is needed to help Humans defend against certain pushes. Currently, even if a Human reacts immediately to a threat with a handful of peasants, it is still not enough to prevent their towers from going down.
开发者评语:这是一个我们在之前PTR就测试过的改动,但是我们因为在PTR里面看到它的表现而决定回滚了那个改动 。但在那之后,我们看到玩家们都更偏向使用远程单位,所以我们觉得这个改动能帮助人族玩家更好的防守特定的推进 。目前来说,就算人族的塔被集火的时候农民马上到位开始修,人族的塔还是修不住 。
