魔兽争霸1.26改动介绍,魔兽争霸3秘籍分享( 三 )

Frost Armor duration is now scaled per level.
Level 1: Frost duration 2 seconds.
Level 2: Frost duration 4 seconds.
Level 3: Frost duration 6 seconds.
Developers’ notes: This was something that the community has been requesting for some time, and it addresses the early power spike against melee units, while still allowing the ability to scale up as the Lich levels up. This tuning makes the ability slightly worse at level 1, the same as it is currently at level 2, and better at level 3.
开发者评语:社区的玩家们要求这个已经有一段时间了,这个改动能有效控制UD在中前期对近战单位的过强控制,同时也会随着巫妖等级提高而变强 。这个改动使得这个技能在1级的时候稍微弱一些,2级的时候一样,3级的时候变得更强 。
Boneyard no longer requires sacrificial pit.
Developers’ notes: We currently believe it takes too long for Frost Worms to see play. This change should allow players to find strategies to use frost worms and should also help in conjunction to the knight change in this patch.
开发者评语:我们觉得冰龙能出场的时间太晚了 。这个改动应该能让玩家找到使用冰龙的战术,同时也能针对一下这个版本我们对骑士的改动 。
Alleria’s Flute of Accuracy bonus reduced from 0.1 to 0.075.
Ancient Janggo of Endurance bonuses reduced from 0.05/0.1 to 0.03/0.075.
古之忍耐姜歌(牛头光环那个道具) 从提高伤害5%移速10%改为提高移速3%提高伤害7.5%
Khadgar’s Pipe of Insight bonus reduced from 0.75 to 0.5.
卡嘉长萧(辉煌光环那个道具) 提高魔法值恢复从每秒0.75点减少至0.5
Legion Doom-Horn bonuses reduced from 0.5/1.0 to 0.3/0.75.
Scourge Bone Chimes bonus reduced from 0.2 to 0.15.
Warsong Battle Drums bonus reduced from 0.1 to 0.075.
The Lion Horn of Stormwind bonus reduced from 2 to 1.5.
All items’ re-sell percentage increased from 50% to 75% of the item’s original cost.
Developers’ notes: These are probably the biggest changes in this patch. We’re making some changes to all the Aura items to reduce their effectiveness. We believe that these aura items do have a place in the game but should not have parity in power to the actual hero ability. Also, due to the nature of some items being more impactful than others, we’re increasing the sell rate of items to help mitigate some potential “bad item luck” that players may experience, which can ultimately determine the outcome of some games.
开发者评语:这可能是这个补丁最大的改动 。我们决定降低所有光环性道具的强度 。我们觉得这些道具应该在对战中有用武之地,但是不应该和对应英雄的技能一样的强 。同时因为总会有某些道具比其他道具在特定情况更有用的情况发生,我们决定提高卖道具的价格来减少“道具不好运”对玩家的影响,也会最终改变一些对战的结果 。
Fixed an issue of inconsistent rally flag behavior on Goldmines which could reveal player locations in the Fog of War.
