魔兽争霸1.26改动介绍,魔兽争霸3秘籍分享( 二 )

Siege Engine tank experience bounty reduced from 85 to 60.
Developers’ notes: While we wanted to reduce the overall effectiveness of certain siege engine strategies, we realized that due to the inflexibility of our experience leveling system, setting the bounty at 85 was too high. There has been some ongoing community sentiment that tanks were in a good place previously, so we’ve reduced the experience bounty. We will continue to monitor this and may test additional changes in lieu of this one.
开发者评语:虽然我们想削弱坦克战术的效率,我们意识到我们目前经验值等级系统的局限性,把经验值定位85还是太高了 。我们注意到社区的反馈中普遍认为坦克在改动之前就已经处在一个比较平衡的状态,所以我们决定降低坦克的经验值 。我们会继续留意这个改动并可能会对坦克进行进一步修改 。
Night Elf
Druid of the Claw starting mana increased from 100 to 125.
熊德(人形态)的出生魔法值从100点魔法提高到125点魔法 。
Developers’ notes: A small quality of life change that was requested by the community, which also helps master bears have slightly more utility right away.
开发者评语:这是一个社区玩家提出的一个小改动,也能帮助大师级熊德在出生的时候就有更多的一点作用 。
Acolyte hit point Regeneration while on Blight reduced from 4 to 3 HP per second.
侍僧在腐地上的回血速度从4改为3点每秒 。
Developers’ notes: In a previous patch we saw the regen rate on Blight double. This was to address the vulnerability of the unit being exposed and stationary while mining gold. As the overall spirit of the change was heading in the right direction, we’re reducing the number slightly to allow for more harassment opportunities from the opposing player.
开发者评语:在之前的一个补丁里面我们让侍僧在腐地上的回血速度翻倍,这主要为了针对侍僧在采矿的时候暴露在外且不能动的问题 。虽然这个改动我们觉得是一个好的方向,我们觉得还是应该稍微降低一下回血速度,让对手有更多骚扰的可能性 。
Rod of Necromancy cooldown reduced from 26 to 24 seconds.
Developers’ notes: Slight calibration of the previous change. We’ve noticed that this change has more effect on UD creeping than intended, so we’re reducing this number slightly.
开发者评语:对之前改动的微调 。我们注意到这个改动对UD的练级效率影响比我们想象的严重,所以我们稍微回调一下 。
Ritual Dagger gold cost reduced from 125 to 100.
Developers’ notes: We’re reducing the cost of the Ritual Dagger to promote its use more and to bring its cost in line with its healing performance.
开发者评语:我们决定降低献祭匕首的价格来让它更加实用且让它的价格更加符合它的回复能力 。
Cryptlord impale Stun Hero duration reduced from 1/2/3 to 1/1.5/2, and Cryptlord damage reduced from 75/120/165 to 60/110/150.
小强穿刺技能晕英雄的时间,从1/2/3降低为1/1.5/2, 而且穿刺伤害从75/120/165降低至60/110/150
Developers’ notes: We’re bringing the overall hero stun duration in line with other hero stun abilities. Please note- its overall stun duration against units remains unchanged. While looking at impale and potentially changing other units in other factions, we noticed that the threat of impale damage is the main reason that certain strategies are not viable against an Undead player that goes Cryptlord first and levels fast.
开发者评语:我们决定让这个技能晕英雄的时间和别的英雄晕英雄的时间相类似 。请注意,对单位的晕时间是没有改变的 。我们注意到穿刺技能的高伤害使得对抗小强首发来快速练级的时候,对手有很多战术没办法使用 。
