英语单词complete与finish的区别 finish是什么意思

Complete means to make something reach a state of fullness that none of its parts are missing.
Complete can convey some sense of achievement. It has the extra finishing perfectly meaning. It means you might see completed in more formal contexts.
Complete强调的是圆满的完成了一项工作 。强调的是此任务顺利结束并且不会返工 。隐含有此任务的完成是个大成就 。
Finish means to make something reach its end or to end something. It doesn't care it's good, and just tell its status.
Sum it up, "finish" has far more definitions and uses than "complete". Anywhere "complete" is used, we can also use "finish" (less formal sometimes), but not the vice versa. When we complete something, it comes to an end (it finishes). But, when we finish something, it does not necessarily complete.
Finish只是说做完了一个事,强调的是事情状态的变化,但不强调事情的结果是否符合验收标准 。
总体来说,finish适用范围比complete广泛,任何使用complete的地方,都可以使用finish 。但反过来却不行 。因为complete强调的是圆满顺利的完成(finish)了一个任务 。
In addition, you cannot "complete" something that does not "support being complete". for instance, we can say "finish" one day, but cannot say "complete" one day.
Homework is not really a major achievement, so "finished" more often in casual conversation. Two examples:
“Did you finish your homework?”
"He finished his homework." (it means he simply ended it, did enough to consider it finished, but no one knows it meets standard)
每天的家庭作业并不是一个大的成就,并且,finish不强调结果是否正确,所以finish适用于此类场景 。
"He completed his homework." (it means he ended it correctly, totally, successfully)
如果强调家庭作业完成的很好,很圆满,则也可以使用complete 。
But such as a paper on education, or a course syllabus is a major achievement, so "complete" more often in this way:
"Students must complete six homework assignments during the semester."
【英语单词complete与finish的区别 finish是什么意思】但通常把论文、教育经历或者课程教学大纲等等需要付出大量精力的事情看作一个大的成就,因此,使用complete强调顺利毕业 。
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