如何在规定时间内高效完成雅思阅读 。
雅思阅读包含3篇文章,每篇至少2000词,烤鸭们需要回答40道题,而这些通通要在1个小时内完成,时间相对来说还是比较紧张的,所以我们就很有必要弄清楚如何在有限的时间内高效地读完文章并回答问题 。
读文章时,你的大脑经常会努力地想象文章主要内容的有关场景,这是一件很费神的事情,如果你在读文章之前快速地读一下问题,就会将阅读重点放在你需要的信息上,带着问题去文中找答案,从而更有效率,不必为此费脑 。
通过设置的问题你会了解文章内容的大概框架,知道接下来会读到什么会让你读的更快 。
每篇雅思阅读文章都是有逻辑的,符合我们正常的思维逻辑,读过问题后,你大概能猜得到答案在文章的什么位置 。
Question 1-8
Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 1?
In boxes 1-8 on your answer sheet write
TRUE if the statement agrees with the information
FALSE if the statement contradicts the information
NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this
1.The plight of the rainforests has largely been ignored by the media.
2.Children only accept opinions on rainforests that they encounter in their classrooms.
3.It has been suggested that children hold mistaken views about the'pure'science that they study at school.
4.The fact that children's ideas about science from part of a larger framework of ideas means that it is easier to change them.
5.The study involved asking children a number of yes/no questions such as'Are there any rainforests in Africa?'
6.Girls are more likely than boys to hold mistaken views about the rainforests'destruction.
7.The study reported here follows on from a series of studies that have looked at children's understanding of rainforests.
8.A second study has been planned to investigate primary school children's ideas about rainforests.
children's mistaken views/ideas/understanding /opinions;
所以接下来要读的内容大概就是围绕children's ideas about rainforests展开的 。
这8个陈述呈现了文章的大致框架:现象(plight)-具体问题(the fact that...)-研究(study),同时这些句子顺序也是其涉及到的内容在文章中出现的先后顺序,所以我们能较快定位答案的大概位置 。
但是,同学们可不要过于心急,一上来就凭推断答题,还是要花时间略读文章,让自己更有把握 。
Tip2: 按照开头-结尾-主体的顺序阅读
审完题后,就要开始阅读文章段落啦 。Vicky建议这一步不要超过5分钟 。
建议先读开头段,跳过文章主体部分,直接读结尾段 。
You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-14 which are based on Reading Passage 1 below.
揭示现象Adults and children are frequently confronted with statements about the alarming rate of loss of tropical rainforests. 例证【For example,one graphic illustration to which children might readily relate is the estimate that rainforests are being destroyed at a rate equivalent to one thousand football fields every forty minutes about the duration of a normal classroom period.】 结果In the face of the frequent and often vivid media coverage,it is likely that children will have formed ideas about rainforests what and wher they are, why they are important,what endangers them-independent of any formal tuition.论点 It is also possible that some of these ideas will be mistaken.
观点Pupils did not volunteer ideas that suggested that they appreciated the complexity of causes of rainforest destruction.具体解释【 In other words,they gave no indication of an appreciation of either the rage of ways in which rainforests are important or the complex social,economic and political factors which drive the activities which are destroying the rainforests.】发展 One encouragement is that the results of similar studies about other environmental issues suggest that older children seem to acquire the ability to appreciate value and evaluate conflicting views.解决方案 Environmental education offers an arena in which these skills can be developed,which is essential for these children as future decision-makers.
1.开头段交代了这篇文章要讨论的主要内容,算是一个 引子,暗示了下文具体要分析的问题: how these ideas are mistaken.
在读的过程中,各位小伙伴可以按照上面的逻辑进行阅读,现象、例证、观点进行标注,结构清晰,层次分明,做题时也便于及时查找 。
2.结尾段,通常是对文章主要观点的总结归纳以及延伸 。
结尾段中的第1句 Pupils did not volunteer ideas that......就是文章的主要结论,并且给出具体解释;
接着又延伸了一些内容,指出了同类问题的发展趋势或者解决方案等,如Environmental education offers an arena ......
3.主体部分大多是具体事例的分析来印证主要观点 。
这样 先头后尾 的阅读方法可以提前了解文章大意,再读中间的主体部分就会容易很多,有时甚至不必阅读主体部分的所有段落,可以略读,如快速地阅读某一段的第一句和最后一句,就能掌握本段的大概意思 。这样不但节省时间,还能抓住主要信息 。
Tip3: 精读略读相结合
1.略读,即迅速地阅读文本,掌握文章或段落大意 。
在阅读文章时,碰到不认识的词不要停下来回头读好几遍句子,一往无前就好啦 。
如果是一些解题关键词(观点词,情感词等),可以根据它周围的其他单词或句子猜测它的意思,有个大概理解即可 。
Many studies have shown that children harbor misconceptions about'pure' curriculum science.These misconceptions do not remain isolated but become incorporated into a multifaceted, but organized, conceptual framework,making it and the component ideas,some of which are erroneous, more robust but also accessible to modification.These ideas may be developed by children absorbing ideas through the popular media. Sometimes this information may be erroneous.It seems schools may not be providing an opportunity for children to re-express their ideas and so have them tested and refined by teachers and their peers.
如上面这段中的 erroneous 一词,我们可以先找到它所在的句子,句子的前两个词为these misconception,可见讲的是 误解,erroneous前面的主语又是ideas, 所以可以猜测其意思为 错误的。
要想迅速地锁定文章中的主要观点,就要找到每段的中心句,通常它们常常潜伏在段落的开头或末尾,所以要读头读尾 。
例子可以略过 。
一旦你找到主要观点,就不必再读所有的论证句子,可以放过讯速地看下一段啦 。
现象 Adults and children are frequently confronted with statements about the alarming rate of loss of tropical rainforests. 【For example,one graphic illustration to which children might readily relate is the estimate that rainforests are being destroyed at a rate equivalent to one thousand football fields every forty minutes about the duration of a normal classroom period.】 In the face of the frequent and often vivid media coverage,it is likely that children will have formed ideas about rainforests what and wher they are, why they are important,what endangers them-independent of any formal tuition.论点It is also possible that some of these ideas will be mistaken.
读头读尾后,基本确定了此段的观点是:some of the ideas about the alarming rate of loss of tropical rainforests will be mistaken by children.举例是为了支撑观点,所以可以忽略 。
2.雅思考试中的精读 逐字逐句去读
在考试中,我们不需要全篇精读,当我们通过读题找到文中答案的大概位置时,只需要精读那几句话,通过同近义词、上下义改写和句子逻辑的比对等方法,进而选出答案 。
上文中判断正误的Question 5:
The study involved asking children a number of yes/no questions such as'Are there any rainforests in Africa?'
The study surveys children's scientific knowledge and attitudes to rainforests.Secondary school children were asked to complete a questionnaire containing five open-form questions.The most frequent responses to the first question were descriptions which are self-evident from the term 'rainforest'.Some children described them as damp,wet or hot.The second question concerned the geographicallocation of rainforests. The commonest responses were continents or countries: Africa(given by 43% of children),South America (30%), Brazil (25%). Some children also gave more general locations, such as being near the Equator.
前两句话,就是需要我们精读的句子,通过比对我们发现: five open-form questions 和yes/no questions是相反的概念,所以问题的答案为False.
然后把这些同近义词 和表达进行总结整理,并经常翻看,加深印象 。
划分句子主谓宾,然后试着理解这句话的含义 。
弄清文章段落逻辑 。对单句进行精读之后,从宏观的角度看看每个段落的大意是什么,句子间及段落间的逻辑关系(因果、转折、并列等),划出逻辑标志词 。
这些精读方法是一种长线作战,积累练习,目的是提高阅读能力,为考试打下良好基础 。
在阅读的过程中,如果看到人名、地名或机构名以及其他关键词,划线标注一下 。同样对于一些专业术语,文章中往往还会给出定义,这些也同样要标注一下 。
一般这些具体名称大多数肯定会出现在后面的问题中,所以提前标注可以利用关键词技巧来定位答案 。另外,划线的关键词可能会对其他问题有帮助 。
如下文标注一些关键词、数字、地理位置等 。
The study surveys children's scientific knowledge and attitudes to rainforests.Secondary school children were asked to complete a questionnaire containing five open-form questions.The most frequent responses to thefirst question were descriptions which are self-evident from the term 'rainforest'.Some children described them as damp,wet or hot.The second question concerned the geographicallocation of rainforests. The commonest responses were continents or countries: Africa(given by 43% of children),South America (30%), Brazil (25%). Some children also gave more general locations, such as being near the Equator.
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