bbc随身英语第一辑听力,BBC随身英语:Puppy love 养狗不只是一种短暂的爱

bbc随身英语第一辑听力,BBC随身英语:Puppy love 养狗不只是一种短暂的爱

新冠肺结核禽流感前夕,许多人整天工作,骤然,下定决心开始遛狗的人愈来愈多 。虽然有位能陪伴着自己的狗狗听起来很幸福,但从买狗到到遛狗都需倚重鸟类社会福利,不能只有一分钟关注度 。责任编辑迳自进行讨论 。puppy love.mp32:43源自Learningdragon词语:animal welfare 鸟类社会福利
For some people, there’s no better companion than man’s best friend – a dog. This four-legged canine can bring comfort and joy and provide much-needed exercise for you when it needs walkies! This probably explains why dog ownership increased last year because people spent more time at home during the coronavirus pandemic lockdown.
对很多人而言,没有比人类文明最合适的好友——狗更快的异性了 。这只三条腿的狗狗能增添宽敞和欢乐,当它需要徒步时,它能为你提供更多亟需的锻炼身体!这可能说明了为何今年遛狗数目减少了,因为在流感病毒大盛行封堵前夕,现代人花更多的时间呆整天里 。
It was demand for puppies in particular that saw the biggest increase. Who couldn’t resist their playful personalities, adorable eyes, and super-soft coats?
特别是对狗狗的市场需求增幅最大 。谁无法抗拒它调皮的个性、调皮的双眼和DT纤细的毛皮呢?
However, as demand for a new pooch increased, so did the price tag. Popular breeds, such as Cockapoos and Cocker Spaniels, saw even sharper price increases, and puppies have been selling for £3,000 or more.
不过,随着对新狗的市场需求减少,产品价格也骤然下跌 。Acheilognathus犬和约克夏等畅销种类的产品价格跌幅Villamblard,狗狗的单价已达到3000加元即使更高 。
Animal welfare charities fear that high prices could encourage puppy farming, smuggling or dog theft. And a BBC investigation found some breeders have been selling puppies and kittens on social media sites – something charities have called “extremely irresponsible”.
鸟类社会福利乐施会害怕,高产品价格可能会引导狗狗养殖业、贩运或偷狗 。BBC的几项进行调查发现,一些饲主在SNS新闻媒体中文网站上转卖狗狗和狗狗,乐施会称这种犯罪行为“极为可耻” 。
But despite some new owners purchasing a dog legally, maybe from a rescue centre or registered breeder, they’ve proved to be ill-prepared for life with a new pet, and the pet itself has found it hard to come to terms with life in a new home. Animal behaviourists in the UK have reported a surge in requests to help dogs suffering from fear-aggression after their lives have been turned upside down.
但是,尽管一些新主人合法地从救援中心或注册饲养员那里购买了一只狗,但事实证明,他们对新狗狗的生活准备不足,而狗狗本身也很难适应新家的生活 。英国的鸟类犯罪行为学家报告称,在狗狗的生活被颠覆后,请求帮助它的恐惧攻击犯罪行为激增 。
Looking to the future, there are concerns about the welfare of these much-loved pets. Ian Atkin, manager of the Oxfordshire Animal Sanctuary in the UK, told the BBC: “At the moment, the dogs are having a great time, but separation anxiety could still surface when people go back to work.” And Claire Calder from the UK’s Dogs Trust rescue charity says “the economic situation also means that some people may find they can’t afford to look after a dog.” The message is not to buy a puppy in haste and to pick one that fits into your lifestyle.
展望未来,现代人对这些深受喜爱的狗狗的社会福利感到担忧 。英国牛津郡鸟类收容所的经理伊恩·阿特金告诉BBC:“目前,狗狗们玩得很开心,但当现代人回去工作时,分离焦虑仍然会出现 。”源自英国狗狗信托救助乐施会的克莱尔·考尔德说:“经济形势也意味着一些人可能会发现他们无法负担照顾狗狗的费用 。”我们要传达的信息是,不要匆忙买一只狗狗,要选择一只适合你生活方式的狗狗 。
词语表companion 异性
man’s best friend 狗
canine 犬
puppy 狗狗,狗狗
coat (鸟类的)毛皮
pooch 狗
breed 种类
Cockapoo 可卡颇犬
Cocker Spaniels 约克夏
puppy farming 狗狗养殖业
smuggling 贩运,贩卖
breeder 饲养鸟类的人
irresponsible 可耻的
legally 合法地,依法
rescue centre 救援中心
registered 已注册的
pet 狗狗
animal behaviourist 鸟类犯罪行为学专家
fear-aggression 害怕受攻击
lives have been turned upside down 生活变得一团糟
separation anxiety 分离焦虑症测验与练习1. 阅读课文并回答问题 。
1. Why did dog ownership increase during the coronavirus pandemic?
2. What caused the increase in the price of puppies?
3. True or False: All new dog owners were totally prepared for their new pets.
4. How might going back to work affect the behaviour of a dog?
5. Where have some puppies been sold that have caused charities to be concerned?
2.选择意思恰当的单词或词组来完成下列句子 。
1. He was very _______ to drive after drinking alcohol.
irresponsible irresponsing irresponsable irresponsed
2. My brother is a good travelling _______ – we love the same places and have so much fun together.
adorable breed companion personality
3. My favourite dog is a sheepdog – I love their _______.
smuggling walkies personalities behaviourists
4. They say dogs are _______ and it’s true: Rover is my best friend!
men’s best friend man’s best friend men’s friend man’s bestie
5. I am _______ for this race – I haven’t done any training.
fear-aggression turned upside down ill-prepared haste
答案1. 阅读课文并回答问题 。
1. Why did dog ownership increase during the coronavirus pandemic?
Because people were looking for something to give them companionship and exercise.2. What caused the increase in the price of puppies?
As demand for a new puppy increased, so did the price tag.3. True or False:
All new dog owners were totally prepared for their new pets.
False. Some new dog owners were ill-prepared for life with a new pet.4. How might going back to work affect the behaviour of a dog?
Dogs could suffer from separation anxiety when people go back to work.5. Where have some puppies been sold that have caused charities to be concerned?
A BBC investigation found some breeders have been seen selling puppies on social media sites.2.选择意思恰当的单词或词组来完成下列句子 。
1. He was very irresponsible to drive after drinking alcohol.
2. My brother is a good travelling companion – we love the same places and have so much fun together.
3. My favourite dog is a sheepdog – I love their personalities.
4. They say dogs are man’s best friend and it’s true: Rover is my best friend!
【bbc随身英语第一辑听力,BBC随身英语:Puppy love 养狗不只是一种短暂的爱】5. I am ill-prepared for this race – I haven’t done any training.
