

The chubby, inert pet dog has become a familiar household sight in richer countries. And yet there lies a possible boon to the out-of-shape among us. A recent study suggests that being told one’s pet is dangerously overweight might provide the impetus that gets an owner moving.
驴子、慢悠悠的狗狗已经正式成为富足北欧国家常用的家庭成员景像 。但对我们尾端身形引热议的人而言,这可能是一类社会福利 。前段时间的几项自然科学研究说明,说女主人他/她的狗狗驼背、存有身心健康信用风险,可能会给他/她提供更多锻炼身体动力系统 。
It might seem that having a pet dog would result in considerable physical activity, and that’s true, broadly speaking. A 2013 review of studies related to dog ownership concluded that as a group, dog owners spend almost an hour more per week walking than people without dogs. Even so, a survey from 2008 conducted in Australia found that nearly a quarter of all dog owners reported never walking their pets. This population of dog owners, studies show, actually engage in less physical activity each week than people without a dog.
养个狗狗或许会减少许多食量 。一般而言确实是这种的 。2013年与养狗有关的自然科学研究说明,整体而言,养狗的人每星期比不养狗的人基本上多走一个半小时 。即使如此,2008年新西兰的几项进行调查辨认出,整整1/4的狗女主人说她们基本上从来不养狗 。自然科学研究说明,该些养狗的人每星期的食量事实上比不养狗的人还少 。
A majority of dog owners, of course, are deeply attached to their pets, whether they walk them or not. That bond prompted a group of scientists, veterinarians and physicians at the Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences, in Bethesda, Md., and other institutions to consider whether people might be willing to undertake a health-and-fitness regimen targeted at their dog, even if they had little enthusiasm for such a program for themselves.
总之,无论遛不养狗,绝大部分狗女主人都十分钟爱她们的狗狗 。此种感情联络使得弗吉尼亚州贝贝尔达身心健康自然科学标准化服务工程项目理工学院(Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences)等政府机构的一大群生物学家、牙医和医师们已经开始考量现代人与否愿采行特别针对狗狗的身心健康健身活动日常生活形式——虽然她们对特别针对她们的此种工程项目无所谓浓厚兴趣 。
The researchers recruited 32 dog owners who visited a veterinary clinic in Maryland. Their dogs varied widely in age, breed and size, but all were overweight or obese and, by and large, sedentary. So, too, were most of their owners (although the only criterion for their participation was that their dogs be rotund). Half the volunteers were told by a veterinarian to watch their dog’s nutrition and monitor its health. The rest were told that their dog was overweight and needed more exercise. These owners were given specific exercise prescriptions, which generally advised walking the dog for at least 30 minutes every day.
自然科学研究者们在弗吉尼亚州的一个牙医诊所征募了32名狗女主人 。她们的狗在年龄、品种和体型上各不相同,但都超重或过度肥胖,并且总的而言坐得太多 。它们的女主人大多也是这种(虽然唯一的参与标准是她们的狗超重) 。牙医让其中一半志愿者关注狗的营养,留意它们的身心健康状况;对另一半志愿者说她们的狗超重,需要更多锻炼身体——牙医给这些女主人提供更多了具体的锻炼身体计划,总的而言是建议每天至少养狗30分钟 。
Three months later, the volunteers and their dogs were re-evaluated. Both owners and pets in the dog-walking group had lost weight. But more interesting, those who had been told only that their pets were worryingly heavy also began exercising their pets and themselves. They reported walking far more often than they did before they got health warnings for their dogs, and both they and their pets were thinner.
三个月后,自然科学研究者重新评估志愿者和她们的狗 。养狗那组的女主人和狗狗们都瘦了一些 。不过更有意思的是,那些仅被告知狗狗胖得令人担忧的女主现代人也已经开始和狗狗们一起运动了 。她们说,与被警告狗存有身心健康隐患前相比,她们走路要频繁得多,她们和狗狗都瘦了一些 。
The upshot, says Capt. Mark B. Stephens M.D., a professor of family medicine at Uniformed Services University and a co-author of the study — it was published in September in the journal Anthrozo?s — is that “love and concern for a dog can be a powerful motivation for exercise.” Which is not to say, he adds, that people should adopt a dog as a kind of fitness device. Unlike a treadmill, Marley cannot be abandoned in the basement when you tire of working out. On the other hand, no device will ever be so happy to see you lace up your walking shoes.
【新概念英语1课文音频,双语阅读:养一只胖狗,可能会令你更健康!】这项自然科学研究9月份发表在《人与动物》(Anthrozo?s)杂志上 。美国军队卫生服务工程项目理工学院(Uniformed Services University)的医学博士、家庭成员医学教授马克·B·斯蒂芬斯上尉(Mark B. Stephens)是这项自然科学研究的合著者 。他说,重点在于,“对狗的热爱和关心可以正式成为强大的锻炼身体动力系统 。”他补充说,这并不是说,现代人应该把养狗作为一类健身活动手段 。你不能在厌倦锻炼身体时把狗狗马利(Marley)像跑步机一样丢到地下室里 。不过,从另一方面讲,没有哪个健身活动器材会在看见你穿上步行鞋后如此高兴 。
