6 以love为主题的英文演讲6人,Love Yourself — 英语演讲

Love Yourself — TDATE2006(6)When you truly love who you are , you stay centered, calm and secure. And your relationships at home as well as at work are wonderful.
You will find yourself reacting to various situations and people differently. Matters that once may have been desperately important wont be quite as important anymore.
New people will enter your life and perhaps some old one will disappear, which can be scary at first and also wonderful, refreshing and exciting.
Once you have all this clear in your mind and you know what you want in a relationship, you must go out and be with people. No one is going to suddenly appear at your doorstep.
A good way to meet people is in a support group or a night class. It enables you to connect with people who are like-minded or who are involved in the same interests. Its amazing how quickly you can meet new friends.
Be open and receptive and the universe will respond to you for your highest good.
Think happy thoughts and you will be a happy person and everyone will want to be with you. And all your current relationships will improve.
当你或是说爱他们的时候,你就能维持著眼,淡定,你也会深感无忧 。你的家庭成员,婚恋亲密关系单厢非常人与自然 。
你会辨认出,他们能用相同的形式应付相同的情况 。这些曾让你深感天都要散架的难题,早已不所以关键了 。
会有捷伊人走近你的生活,同时一些曾在你心灵中逗留的人能消亡不见踪影,这一开始可能会让你深感忧虑,可没多久你便会辨认出,这是一种奇妙的,绝妙的,让人激动的历经 。
除非你把这些想确切,知道在这几段亲密关系中他们想的是什么,所以你就必须袒露内心世界地去和自己朝夕相处 。没人能突然出现在你的心灵里 。
去参与两个协力社团或是上技校,是较好的与自己相恋的有效途径 。这能让你与志趣相投的人产生联络 。你能以不可思议的速率重新认识新朋友 。
如果你维持对外开放和宽容的态度,这个世界就会以最有助于你的形式对你作出澄清 。
让他们Janville,你就会成为两个欢乐的人,那般所有的人单厢想和你在一起,而你原有的全部亲密关系都将会得到明显改善 。
stay centered 维持著眼Keep your eyes focused on the mountain top, as you stay centered within the God power of the moment and you will not be led astray (拒之门外).
将我的注意力著眼在山腰,如果我维持在此时此刻里存在于天主精神力量的中心时,我就不会返回王道 。
2. react to 作出化学反应
You will find yourself reacting to various situations and people differently
你将会辨认出你可以对相同的情景,相同的人,作出相同的化学反应 。
3. Matters that once may have been desperately important wont be quite as important anymore.
这些曾让你深感天都要散架的难题,早已不所以关键了 。
4. at your doorstep 在那儿,紧邻,走近心灵
Love is finally at your doorstep.
真爱总算来敲你的门了 。
5, Once you have all this clear in your mind and you know what you want in a relationship, you must go out and be with people. No one is going to suddenly appear at your doorstep.
除非你把这些想确切,并且并在这几段亲密关系中他们想的是什么,所以你就必须袒露内心世界地去和自己朝夕相处 。没人能突然出现在你的心灵里,
6. like-minded 志趣相投的
They wanted to connect with a community of like-minded people.
他们想和一群志趣相投的人建立联络 。
7. enable to 使.. 能够
This will enable the audience to sit in comfort while watching the shows.
这能使观众看演出时舒服地坐着 。
8. your highest good 至善,最高利益,最有助于你 。
You have drive and ambition to get going for your highest good.
你完全有动力,以及野心去追求你最想的东西 。
Be open and receptive and the universe will respond to you for your highest good.
【6 以love为主题的英文演讲6人,Love Yourself — 英语演讲】如果你维持对外开放和宽容的态度,这个世界就会以最有助于你的形式对你作出澄清 。
