
1. My best friend Is my confidante.
2. I can trust her with all my secrets.
3. We've been friends since we were little.
4. She always knows just what to say to make me feel better.
5. We have a lot of inside jokes.
6. We can talk about anythING and everything.
7. She always has my back.
8. She's the peanut butter to my jelly.
9. We complement each other well.
10. I don't know what I would do without her.
11. Our friendship is unbreakable.
12. We're like two peas in a pod.
13. We finish each other's sentences.
14. We've been through thick and thin together.
15. She's the sister I never had.
16. We have a lot of fun together.
17. She's always up for a good time.
18. We share a lot of common interests.
19. She's my ride or die.
20. When I'm with her, I can be myself.
21. There's no competition between us.
22. She's always honest with me.
23. I respect her opinions.
24. She has a heart of gold.
25. We can go months without talking and still pick up where we left off.
26. We're each other's cheerleaders.
27. She's seen me at my best and worst.
28. She's always there to lend an ear.
29. We have a lot of memories together.
30. She's taught me so much about life.
31. She's my wingman.
32. She's always down for a good adventure.
33. We can spend hours just talking.
34. Our conversations are always meaningful.
35. I look up to her.
36. She challenges me to be a better person.
37. She's always there to offer advice.
38. We have so many traditions together.
39. She knows me better than anyone else.
40. Our friendship is one of a kind.
41. She's my partner in crime.
42. She's beautiful inside and out.
43. Whenever I'm feeling down, she's there to lift me up.
44. We appreciate and value each other.
45. We're like an old married couple sometimes.
46. She always knows how to make me laugh.
47. She's my soul sister.
48. We have a lot of nicknames for each other.
49. She's always game for a sleepover.
【关于闺蜜的英文句子】50. Our friendship is forever.
