除了First,Second,Third first

无论是在英语口语表达还是文章写作过程中,以合理的逻辑正确表达事件的顺序,可以有效帮助听众或读者理解对话或文章的主题 。
英语中往往会用一些表示顺序的词语或者短语(Sequencing phrases)来明确事件的顺序,接下来我们将逐一讨论 。
  • First, I got up. Then I took a shower. Next, I had breakfast. After that, I read newspaper. Finally, I went to work.
【除了First,Second,Third first】【首先,我起床 。然后洗个澡,接着吃早餐,之后看报纸,然后去上班 。】
上面一段表述中用first、then、next、after that、finally对早上的一系列活动的顺序进行了清晰地描述 。
First / First of all, … ….【首先】 Second / Next / After that, … ….【其次】 Finally / At last / Lastly, … ….【最后】接下来我们举例说明:
  • First, the manager talked about the sales in Q1. After that, salespersons shared some experiences. Lastly, the boss praised the sales team.
【首先,销售经理谈了第一季度的销售情况 。然后,销售人员分享了一些销售经验 。最后老板对销售部门提出了表扬 。】
  • First of all, I am going to write down the key words on the board. Meanwhile, you should copy them onto your notebook. Then, you will make up a short story with the words. Finally, you can discuss the stories with your partners.
【首先,我会在黑板上写下一些关键词 。同时,你们应该把这些关键词抄写在笔记本上 。然后你们需要用这些词语编写一个小故事 。最后和你们的搭档进行讨论 。】
在正式语体中(比如写作,正式会谈中)应该采用哪些"衔接词" 我们还是通过举例来说明 。
(talking about studying abroad)
  • To begin with / First of all / In the first place / First and foremost, it is important to consider which country you would like to study in.
首先,考虑到哪个国家去学习非常重要 。
  • Additionally / Moreover / What's more / In addition / Furthermore, you should think about which courses you will study.
其次,你应该选择好学习什么课程 。
    For example / For instance, you want to study art, law or science.
比如你想去学习艺术、法律还是科学 。
    Overall / Consequently / Eventually / In conclusion / In one word, studying abroad will be affected by several factors. You'd better make a particular plan.
总而言之,到海外学习受到诸多因素的影响,你最好做一个详尽的计划 。
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