与shirt有关的常见习语 shirt

光军语言文化:衬衣shirt是男士着装必备 , 今天我们一起来复习一下与shirt有关的英语习语、短语和一些常见的口语表达 。

与shirt有关的英语习语 the shirt off sb's back(某人)仅剩的家当 He's the kind of man who'd give you the shirt off his back.
他是那种能为你付出一切的人 。
lose your shirt输得精光(尤指因赌博) , 赔光家产 In a business like this you can make a lot of money, but you can also lose your shirt.
做这样一笔生意 , 你可能一夜暴富 , 也可能倾家荡产 。
put your shirt on sth 确信…会发生 I'd put my shirt on the president being re-elected.
【与shirt有关的常见习语 shirt】我肯定总统会再次当选 。
keep your shirt on 别生气 Keep your shirt on! Your car isn't even scratched!

与shirt有关的一些英语短语 Oxford shirt 牛津(厚棉布)衬衫
stuffed shirt 一本正经的人;妄自尊大的人
shirt tail 衬衣下摆
polo shirt 球衣;马球衫
dress shirt 礼服衬衫;男式白衬衫
sports shirt 运动衫
flannel shirt 法兰绒衬衫;法兰绒上衣
sweat shirt 运动衫
tee shirt n. T恤;短袖圆领运动衫(=T-shirt)

与shirt有关的常见口语表达 衬衣的好基友是领带 , 衬衣和领带相配这么说: That tie goes with your shirt. 那领带与你的衬衫相配 。
衬衣皱了 , 需要熨烫 , 可以这么说: His wife ironed his shirt for him every morning. 他的妻子每天早上为他熨平衬衫 。
男士喜欢出汗 , 衬衣被汗水浸透这么说: His shirt was soaked /steeped with sweat. 汗水浸透了他的衬衫 。
衬衣不小心留下污渍 , 这么表达: You have a smudge of chocolate on your shirt. 你的衬衫上有一块巧克力的污渍 。
衬衣见水 , 湿身贴体怎么说: The wet shirt clung to him tightly. 湿透的衬衣紧紧贴在他身上 。
改做衬衣大小 , 可以这么表达: This shirt must be altered because its sleeves were too long.
解开/扣上衬衣这么说 unbuttoned one’s shirt 解开衬衣
button one’s shirt 扣上衬衣
干活时 , 需要卷起袖子 , 这么说: He rolled up his sleeves and got down to work. 他卷起袖子 , 开始工作 。
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