默契英文(心有灵犀 英语)
教你们一个很好用的英语,“默契”的英语怎么说?例如夫妻很有默契,常知道对方在想什么 。或当一个孕妇上公车,大家有“默契地”让位 。
- When a blind man got on the bus, a person yielded his seat to him. The kind act is out of a silent understanding .(一个盲人上了公交车,一个人把座位让给他了 。这个善意的举动是出于一种沉默的理解 。)
- My wife and I have been married for fifty years now. We often complete each other's sentences .(我老婆和我已经结婚50年了,我们总能知道对方想什么)
- silent understanding = 无声的理解
- tacit understanding = 心照不宣的理解
- unspoken agreement = 无言的一致
- secret agreement = 秘密的一致
- silent thoughtfulness = 无声的着想
- chemistry = 化学作用
- close to each other = 性相近
- know what each other thinks = 知道彼此所想
- I feel there is chemistry between us.(我觉得我们之间有点火花 。)
【默契英文 心有灵犀 英语】
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