教育的重要性 教育重要性名言警句

教育的重要性(教育重要性名言警句 )
【教育的重要性 教育重要性名言警句】If a young man does not have his own ideas, no matter what other people ask to say yes, can be considered good-natured, but also will be considered a very stupid young man.
一个年轻人如果没有自己的主意,无论别人要求什么事情都答应,可以认为他是好脾气,但同时也会被人认为是一个十分愚蠢的年轻人 。
Although the human body is the same, but each of its components in each person's body has a v百思特网ery different proportion, no two people are exactly the same, each person at different times is not the same. The best man is sometimes weak; the proudest man is sometimes base; the most honest man is sometimes evil; and the most crafty man is sometimes good. Oh, Shit
尽管人的身体是一样的,但其中的各个组成部分在每个人的身体上具有很不同的比例,没有两个人是完全相同的,每个人在不同的时间也不百思特网是一成不变的 。最能干的人有时很软弱;最自豪的人有时很卑劣;最诚实的人有时做坏事;而最狡诈的人有时也会做好事 。
I believe that it is education, not innate qual百思特网ities, that make people so different. Hey, hey, hey
我相信,是教育而不是天生品质,才是形成人们巨大差别的根本原因 。
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