Sabian symbols 萨比恩象征英文占星资料

1 A woman has risen from the water; a seal has emerged also, and is embracing her.
2 A comedian is entertaining a group of friends.
3 A cameo shows the profile of a man that suggests the outline of his country.
4 Two lovers are strolling through a secluded walk.
5 A white triangle is seen; it has golden wings.
6 A black square stands firmly, illumined red on one side.
7 A man comes forward flushed with the successful and simultaneous expression of his talents in two separate realms.
8 A large old-fashioned woman’s hat is revealed with streamers flying in a stiff breeze from the east.
9 A seer gazes intently into a crystal ball before him.
10 A savant is revealed, a man who has created new forms for old symbols that have lost their meaning.
11 The president of the republic or the ruler of his country is presented.
12 A flock of white geese is seen in flight overhead.
13 A bomb that has failed to explode is now safely hidden from discovery.
14 A serpent is circling a man and a woman who are very engrossed in each other.
15 An Indian is silently but deftly weaving a basket in the light of the setting sun.
16 Brightly clad brownies are seen dancing in the warm dying light.
17 Two prim spinsters are sitting together quietly.
18 An empty hammock hangs between two lovely trees.
19 A magic carpet hovers over the depressing reality of every day life in an industrial area.
20 A young girl is seen feeding the swans in a sheltered public park.
21 A pugilist flushed with life and strength is entering the ring.
22 A handsome grilled gateway opens to the garden of all desired things.
23 A woman clothed in the delicate tints of early summer is seen carrying a heavy and valuable yet veiled burden.
24 An open window of an old-fashioned room is seen, the net curtain is blowing inward into the shape of a cornucopia.
25 A double promise revealed by some suggestive event of both immediate or literal and sentimental significance.
26 A man is seen burning to incandescent heat with the wealth of that which he has to give.
27 A panorama of blending events out of the past shows the regaining of lost opportunity through the imagination.
28 A large audience is seen rejoicing in some disillusionment to which it has just been subjected.
29 A celestial choir has risen to sing.
30 A duck pond is revealed, on which a young brood of ducklings are disporting themselves.
1 A clear mountain stream flows steadily through a rocky defile.
2 A brilliant electrical display illuminates the heavens and the forests beneath.
3 A beautiful expanse shows natural steps leading upward to a lawn of clover in full bloom.
4 The rainbow’s pot of gold is revealed in the midst of shower of sparkling and flashing colors.
5 A youthful widow, fresh and soul-cleansed from grief, kneels at a grave to receive the secret of eternal life.
6 A delicate cantilever bridge is in process of construction across a high narrow gorge.
7 Out of the past comes the woman of Samaria to draw water from Jacob’s well.
8 A sleigh with all the suggestive warmth of the winter season speeds over ground on which the snow is yet to fall.
9 A Christmas tree, bending with its weight of gifts, is illumined at the end of a vast darkened hall.
10 A pretty lass in Red Cross uniform is hurrying about the duties that a warm sympathy has dictated.
11 A woman, cool in sunbonnet and simple garments, is leisurely watering long rows of flowers in full bloom.
12 A quite youthful young couple is walking down a busy street, stopping to peer into every window with joyful glee.
13 A man very cheerful in his working clothes is handling a mountain of baggage the best he can.
14 Several children are splashing with delight in a receding tide, and at their feet are shellfish groping for shelter.
15 A man in evening clothes, muffled to breast the storm through which he walks, yet wears his top hat rakishly.
16 An old man is attempting with a degree of success unsuspected by him to reveal the Mysteries to a motley group.
17 An imaginative battle is underway between swords (the disciples of might) and torches (the disciples of enlightenment) 18 A woman is holding a linen bag out of her window to give it fresh air and sunshine.
19 A newly formed continent is seen, fresh and green within its setting of interminable ocean.
20 Light scurrying wisps of clouds are streaming in rapid movement across the sky.
21 A moving finger points to the significant passages in a large open book.
22 A white homing pigeon flies straight a fearlessly over a broad body of troubled water.
23 A magnificent jewelry shop is revealed, containing every conceivable article of value of beauty.
