Sabian symbols 萨比恩象征英文占星资料( 四 )

19 A clubhouse built on a floating barge is gaily decorated, and crowded with revelers; the water reflects its lights.
20 A group of prehistoric American Indians are seen in the course of an elaborate and impressive invocation to the sun.
21 A few chickens who have gotten at some fermented seed, and are happily intoxicated 22 A carrier pigeon comes swiftly through the early light of morning, and flutters to the feet of a group of fanciers.
23 The scene is a circus-crowded with spectators, and in a moment of hush a bareback rider performs extraordinarily.
24 A strange figure is revealed, outwardly unprepossessing, untidy, unkempt, he is a yogi of transcendent powers.
25 A solitary camel crosses the desert with his rider; he is indifferent to the hazards of storm and lack of supplies.
26 A perfect rainbow forms slowly in the summer rain as the sun begins to break through the rather thin cloudbanks.
27 Over at the eastern edge of the night the streaks of dawn appear; gradually the mounting light wipes out the stars.
28 Innumerable little birds have settled down upon one large tree; they chirp happily to each other in endless rows.
29 A mermaiden has climbed to the rocky shore of a bleak coast; she awaits the prince who will bring her immortality.
30 Into a letter is poured vital and confidential information; it is folded carefully, but the envelope is not sealed.
1 A man’s head is revealed ; it is a portrait in which the artist has sought to idealize the best of human character.
2 A simple but impressively large white cross has been set up in splendid isolation on top of a commanding eminence.
3 A glorious vision unfolds over a little struggling family in the wilderness; two mighty angels bringing protection.
4 A little chocolate pickaninny is playing with white children; neither he nor they are aware of the racial difference.
5 A man lies dreaming in the shade of an Irish countryside; his dreams bring to him the playful little people.
6 Children’s voices, and smiles of elders; it is a merry-go-round with blatant music and unrestrained joyousness.
7 The women’s quarters of an Oriental palace are revealed; here are the bright and unafraid eyes of cloistered souls.
8 A poor little rich girl, not above five years of age, is given with much attendance a first dancing lesson.
9 An earnest but bizarre looking individual is painting on a canvas; his art is futuristic and unintelligible.
10 As if in a moment of vision a man is seen possessed of two heads; both of these look out and beyond the shadows.
11 A beautiful boy is revealed; he is all boy in every way, but in him lives the idealization of a wise mother.
12 A bride rises laughingly, youthfully radiant in her white, wishing to scold the groom who has snatched way her veil.
13 A statesman stands before the mob; his strong hand can be seen in a transforming of hysteria into new enthusiasm.
14 A large sheet of parchment is covered with finely lettered names and mysterious lines; it is a splendid family tree.
15 A handkerchief of the finest linen and oldest lace lies folded near milady’s mirror by a bottle of rare perfume.
16 The delighted children are crowded about a cage in the zoo; an orang-utang is sitting is a spot in the afternoon sun.
17 A vast display of cosmic forces is seen in the eruption of a volcano with dust clouds, flowing lava, earth rumblings.
18 Two giggling young girls are sitting facing each other, knees tightly touching, working a ouija board on their laps.
19 There is a colorful gallery on the warm summer day; in the clear blue water a swimming race nears its decision.
20 A group of old-fashioned automobiles comprise a caravan of settlers on the move; a fresh enthusiasm marks the party.
21 A large cheerful but bare room holds two teams of fresh young girls engaged in a laughing game of basketball.
22 Upon rich velvet in a case, at an exhibition, is an exquisitely wrought miniature; a jewel-set royal coat-of-arms.
23 A man clad in gay colors of the circus rushes into the barred arena where unwilling animals await his bidding.
24 A large book for children is open at a colored page; here Mary with her yellow curls leads an immaculate white lamb.
25 A large glorious public building is seen set in a spacious part; before it a flag moves with the breezes at half-mast.
26 A highly ritualistic service is in process; officiating priests are automatons, a boy with a censer is rapt-eyed.
27 In the luxurious quarters of a home furnished in delicate period style elderly ladies are enjoying afternoon tea.
28 A bald-headed man in uniform completely dominates an assembly of men, diplomats, scientists, and industrialists.
29 A scholar has just succeeded in deciphering an archaic manuscript; it holds for him an idea for which he has long sought.
