
在全球遭遇了百年不遇的疫情后,世界最幸福国家榜首却没有易主,依然还是芬兰 。冰岛、丹麦、瑞士和荷兰紧随其后 。值得注意的是,今年中国跻身榜单前20名 。


To say the past year has been a difficult one for people across the globe is something of an understatement.
如果说过去一年对全球各地的人而言是艰难的一年,这只能算是轻描淡写 。
Not only has the Covid-19 pandemic resulted in the deaths of over 2.6 million people worldwide, it's also led to a massive shake up in everyday life for many of us.
新冠疫情不止导致世界范围内逾260万人死亡,还使许多人的日常生活发生了翻天覆地的变化 。
But despite the devastating events of the last 12 months and the resulting decline in mental health in a number of destinations, there's been no change at the top spot when it comes to ranking the happiest country in the world.
但是,尽管过去一年的灾难性事件导致多地民众的心理健康状况恶化,但是全球最幸福国家排行榜的首位依然没有变化 。
For the fourth year running, Finland has come out on top in the annual list powered by data from the Gallup World Poll, with Iceland, Denmark, Switzerland, and the Netherlands following in second, third, fourth and fifth position respectively.
基于盖洛普全球民意调查的数据得出的这份年度榜单上,芬兰连续第四年高居榜首,冰岛、丹麦、瑞士和荷兰分别是第二名、第三名、第四名和第五名 。
While the United States moved up from 18th to 14th place and the United Kingdom dropped from 13th to 18th.
美国从18位上升到了14位,英国从13位降到了18位 。
Although there have been some changes in the top 10, with Iceland rising two places from fourth to second on the list and Norway dropping from fifth to eighth place, the rankings were strikingly similar to the previous year for the most part, which is viewed as a positive sign.
尽管前十名有一些变动,冰岛从第四位升到第二位,挪威从第五位降到第八位,但是大体还是和去年差不多,这被视为一个积极的信号 。
Other notable movements on the list include Germany, which has jumped from 17th to seventh place. Croatia rose from number 79 to 23 on the list.
榜单上其他值得注意的变动还有德国的排名,从第17位升到了第7位 。克罗地亚从第79位上升到了第23位 。
Researchers say it's no surprise that Finland has retained the top position once again, as the Nordic country has always ranked highly when it comes to mutual trust.
研究人员表示,芬兰再一次蝉联榜首并不意外,因为这个北欧国家人与人之间的互相信任度一直很高 。
Trust is recognized as one of the major factors that helped to protect people during the pandemic, as well as confidence in governments.
信任(包括对政府的信任)被视为疫情期间帮助保护人们的主要因素之一 。
For instance, Brazil's death rate was significantly higher than Singapore's, a fact the report put partially down to the difference in public trust in the governments of each country.
举例来说,巴西的死亡率比新加坡要高很多,该报告将这一事实部分归结为两国民众对政府的信任度不同 。
It also notes that the Americas and Europe had much higher Covid-19 fatalities than East Asia, Australasia, and Africa.
报告还指出,美洲和欧洲的新冠肺炎死亡率比东亚、澳大拉西亚和非洲高得多 。
Australasia [???str??le???]: n. 澳大拉西亚,一般指澳大利亚、新西兰和邻近的太平洋岛屿 。
Perhaps unsurprisingly, the World Happiness Report 2021 also found that lockdowns and social distancing impacted workforce wellbeing tremendously.
