
1、火烧云很美 , 却拼凑不出你熟悉的脸孔 。
Fire cloud is very beautiful, but can not piece together the face you are familiar with.
【微信朋友圈伤感的话语英文】2、我拒绝了所有人的青睐 , 等你一个不确定的未来 。
I refuse all peoples favor, waiting for you an uncertain future.
3、如果没有人护你周全 , 那就酷到没有软肋 。
If there is no one to protect you, its cool to have no weaknesses.
4、幸福 , 是用来感觉的 , 而不是用来比较的 。
Happiness is for feeling, not for comparison.
5、等失望攒够 , 就不再打扰 。
Wait for disappointment to accumulate enough, no longer disturb.
