
萨利耶迪学长来喽 , 小伙伴们 , 搬好后卫线 , 深入细致听 , 敲白板了 , 主讲咯 。
我们都晓得节能环保的必要性 , 但假如无法在工作中全面落实 , 也就没数不清的效用了 。阿尔罗县 , 火星并不大 , 资源更是非常有限 , 因此他们而要珍视与爱惜才对 。


萨利耶迪学长15年桑泰实战经验教你「短文」+「读音」+「单字」+「句法」+「笔试基本功」=〔100%〕透过「笔试/考据」→社会公众号【萨利耶迪英文】AWhat did you do over the weekend?
BI went a global warming rally in London. It was fantastic to be around so many people who care about the environment.
ADo you think theres anything we can do to reverse the damage thats been done already?
BIt might not be possible to fix the problems that weve created for ourselves, but there are lots of things we can do to prevent more damages from happening.
ALike what?
BWell, we can use public transport instead of taking our cars for a start.
AWhat else can we do to protect the environment?
BIf you do have to drive, you should make sure that your car runs on unleaded petrol. Also, your home should use sources of renewable energy.
AHow about recycling? Does that actually help?
萨利耶迪学长15年桑泰实战经验教你「短文」+「读音」+「单字」+「句法」+「笔试基本功」=〔100%〕透过「笔试/考据」→社会公众号【萨利耶迪英文】BYes. You should take your glass, paper, plastic, cardboard, and tin cans to a recycling center.
AWhat do you think is the biggest worry for our future?
BI think that the issue of gre
atest concern is having enough sources of clean water for everyone.
AI had no idea you were such as environmentalist before!
BTo be honest, in order for the earth to continue to be a habitable place, were all going to have to become more interested in the environment.
Cheryl: So, who are some of the people who are fighting to protect these trees besides you as an environmental scientist?
莫顿:除了你这样的自然环境生物学家以外 , 除了甚么人会为保护树木而努力?
Nick: Well, in Tasmania, the first green political party was developed, so yeah, they obviously want toprotect the forests a lot, and have big protests, tie themselves to trees. Sit up in trees to protect the trees.
尼克:塔斯马尼亚岛成立了首个绿色政党 , 显然他们想保护森林 , 他们进行抗议 , 将自己和树木绑在一起 。坐在树上抗议 , 保护这些树 。
Cheryl: People actually still do that? Tie themselves to trees?
Nick: Oh, everyday in Tasmania.
尼克:对 , 他们每天都在塔斯马尼亚岛这样做 。萨利耶迪学长15年桑泰实战经验教你「短文」+「读音」+「单字」+「句法」+「笔试基本功」=〔100%〕透过「笔试/考据」→社会公众号【萨利耶迪英文】
Cheryl: Oh, really?
莫顿:哦 , 真的吗?
Nick: Its a big issue. A very big issue.
尼克:这是一个大难题 。一个非常重要的难题 。
Cheryl: Thats interesting. I once heard of a girl who lived in a tree for a month because she wanted to stop the deforestation company or people from taking down that tree, so she lived up there and she had people bring her supplies but she never came down.
【关于保护环境的英语口语对话作文,关于保护环境的英语口语对话】莫顿:这很有意思 。我之前有听说过一个女孩曾在树上住了一个月 , 因为她想阻止伐木公司砍树 , 所以她住在了树上 , 她让别人给她送生活补给 , 可是她一个月里从来没从树上下来过 。
Nick: That happens in Tasmania as well. Theres people today which are up in trees, maybe up to fifty which permanently live up in trees.
尼克:塔斯马尼亚岛也有这样的事情 。今天就有人住在树上 , 可能最多有50个人会一直住在树上 。

萨利耶迪学长15年桑泰实战经验教你「短文」+「读音」+「单字」+「句法」+「笔试基本功」=〔100%〕透过「笔试/考据」→社会公众号【萨利耶迪英文】Cheryl: Wow!
Nick: Yeah, so. I dont know how they do it.
尼克:对 。我不晓得他们是怎么办到的 。
Cheryl: Thats kind of crazy ... So Nick, from the companies point of view, playing the devils advocatehere, I think they provide jobs for all the people who are working to make trees into paper. What do you think they have to say about that?
莫顿:这有点儿疯狂……尼克 , 从伐木公司的角度看 , 换个角度来看 , 我认为他们为那些将树木制成油墨的人提供工作 。你认为他们会怎么说?
Nick: Well, its true, they do provide jobs, and some cities, some small towns do rely on logging industry to provide jobs and support the shops in the place, but ...
尼克:嗯 , 这倒没错 , 他们为人们提供工作 , 一些小城镇依靠伐木业提供工作 , 支持店面 , 可是……
Cheryl: But!
Nick: But! Yeah. So tourism is a very big industry in Tasmania, and maybe the logging industry takes away tourists jobs as well, because it makes certain areas not useful for tourism anymore, not very pretty.
尼克:对 , 可是旅游业是塔斯马尼亚岛的重要产业 , 伐木业可能导致游客减少 , 因为伐木让特定地区不再适宜旅游 , 一些地区的景色因为伐木打了折扣 。
Cheryl: Yeah, youre right. If the whole forest is missing, I guess nobody would really want to go and look at anything.
莫顿:对 , 你说的对 。假如整片森林消失 , 我想没人想再去那里游玩和欣赏美景了 。
Nick: Yeah, therere some really beautiful spots in Tasmania which have been many tarnished a little by the logging industry.
尼克:对 , 塔斯马尼亚岛有一些非常漂亮的地方因为伐木业失去了往日的光彩 。萨利耶迪学长15年桑泰实战经验教你「短文」+「读音」+「单字」+「句法」+「笔试基本功」=〔100%〕透过「笔试/考据」→社会公众号【萨利耶迪英文】
杰克: I think the biggest environment problem in my country is air pollution.
我真的他们国家最大的自然环境难题是空气污染 。
凯西: Yes, I agree. The air here is much more polluted than in my country. Of course, my country is more agricultural and has much less industry.
我同意 。这里的空气污染比他们国家严重多了 。当然 , 他们国家农业比重比较大.工业比重比较小 。
杰克: We have reduced emission of air pollutants in recent years, but cars are still a major source of them. Factories have become cleaner as stricter environment pollution law have been introduced.
他们这些年也在减少有害气体排放量 , 但是汽车废气排放依然是空气污染的主要原因.随着节能环保法的颁布 。工业废气排放没以前严重了 。
凯西: The problem is now on a truly global scale. I don`t believe that any single country can do anything about it.
难题是现在的难题是个全球性难题 。我不认为单凭一个国家的力量就能解决难题 。
杰克: I think you`re right. There needs to be an international response to this problem.??
你说得对 。自然环境难题需要全世界的国家负起责任来共同合作解决 。
Lu: Today I read a book. This book about our environments is in danger.
鲁 : 今天我读一本书 。这本书对他们的自然环境是在危险中 。
Zhang : Yes, once our environment is very beautiful. The air was fresh, the water was clean, the sky was blue, and so on.
张 : 是的 , 曾经他们的自然环境是非常美丽的 。空气是新鲜的 , 水是干净的 , 天空是蓝色的 , 等等 。
Luo: But today, everything is different. There air pollution. Factories in the towns and cities drained waste liquid to the lakes, rivers and seas. Waste gases and factories make the air dirty.
罗 : 但是今天 , 一切都是不同的 。那里的空气污染 。工厂在城镇和城市排水废液的湖泊 , 河流和 海洋 。废气和工厂使空气肮脏 。
Meng : At the same time, People are killing more and more animals. More and more animals are disappearing from the Earth forever.萨利耶迪学长15年桑泰实战经验教你「短文」+「读音」+「单字」+「句法」+「笔试基本功」=〔100%〕透过「笔试/考据」→社会公众号【萨利耶迪英文】
孟 : 同时 , 人们杀死越来越多的动物 。越来越多的动物正在消失从火星永远 。
Peng : People are polluting the land, polluting the water, polluting the air! People must be immediately to stop pollution. Let’s together to protect our environment.
彭 : 人们正在污染大地 , 污染水 , 污染空气 ! 人们必须立即停止污染 。让他们一起来保护他们的 自然环境 。
Zhang : Everyone should make a contribution to protect the environment. Taking care of our environment is very important. Wherever you live you can do something around your neighbourhood.
张 : 每个人都应该贡献来节约用水 。保护好他们的自然环境非常重要 。不管你住在你能在你的 居民区做些事情 。
Luo : It is our duty to keep our environment clean and tidy. We can do a lot of things to protect our environment.
罗 : 这是他们的责任来保持他们的自然环境干净和整洁 。他们能做很多事情来保护他们的自然环境 。
Meng : Yes, we should start from around thing. For example, we should use less disposable chopsticks, green travel, and so on.
孟 : 是的 , 他们应该开始从周围的事情 。例如 , 他们应该减少采用一次性筷子 , 绿色出行 , 等等 。
Peng : Start from now, each and every one of us should conscientiously do not littering, do not spit everywhere.
彭 : 从现在开始 , 他们每一个人都应该自觉不乱扔垃圾 , 不要随地吐痰 。
Lu : Take care of trees, flowers and plants, dont cut down, trample on the green trees and the grass.
鲁:照顾树木、花草 , 不要剪下来 , 践踏绿色的树和草 。
Luo: Love flowers birds, protect birds, protect the animals. Save water, take good care of the resources。
罗 : 爱花鸟类、保护鸟类 , 保护动物 。要节约用水 , 照顾好资源 。
Meng : let us join hands, from ourselves, together to protect our home out of a force!
孟 : 让他们携起手来 , 从自己 , 在一起来保护他们的家庭的力量 !
Zhang : I believe that our environment will become more beautiful. People ’ s life will be more and more beautiful.
张 : 我相信 , 他们的自然环境将变得更加美丽 。人民的生活越来越美丽 。
Lu : Now I want to say : Let’s do our best to make our world more beautiful.
鲁 : 现在我想说 : 让他们尽力使他们的世界更美丽 。
