
萨利耶迪英文来喽 , 小伙伴们 , 搬好后卫线 , 深入细致听 , 敲白板了 。
地球上最先再次出现的鸟类来源于极地 , 绝大多数鸟类都很乖巧 , 在英文
中也有有关写鸟类的题目表现手法 , 那你想知道写鸟类的英文题目怎么写吗?
I have a lovely dog. Its name is YoYo. I like it very much. It has two big ears, two big and bright eyes. Its hair is brown. It has come to my home for a year. It has become a part of my family. It has its own house, but it likes to sleep under my bed, play in my house. I like talking to it, because its a friend worth of trusting. I would like to share my happy things with it. When I am sad, talking to it makes me feel good. I am happy to have such a lovely friend.
我有一头乖巧的狗 。它的英文名字叫YOYO 。我十分讨厌它它有四只大嘴巴 , 四只镰叶光亮的双眼 。它的指甲是褐色的 。它已经到你家两年了 。它已成为你家庭成员的一小部分 。它有它自己的新房子 , 但它讨厌睡在我的床下 , 在你家玩 。我讨厌和它骂人 , 因为这是两个值得称赞尊敬的好友 。我想与它撷取我的欢乐的东西 。当我哀伤的时候 , 和它骂人让我觉得较好 。我很开心有这样两个乖巧的好友 。


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Most kids like animals. Girls like cats, and boys like dogs. However, my favorite animal is the horse.
The horses are strong, not like the tame cats or puppy dogs. They look wild and hard to get close. Yet, they will be very timid and friendly after they get to know you. Horses remember the way home. They are also faithful to their masters. They even understand what you are trying to tell them. Ive heard many stories about how a horse saved his masters life. Thats also the reason why I love horses. They never betray you.
绝大多数小孩讨厌鸟类 。男孩和男孩讨厌猫,讨厌狗 。不过,我最讨厌的鸟类是马 。
马是强悍的,不像乖巧的猫或小狗 。她们看上去动植物和任护军 。不过,她们Sonbhadra十分温顺,亲善的介绍你之后 。马还提过回去的路 。她们也对她们的女主人忠心 。她们甚至知道你想说她们什么 。我听闻许多故事情节有关一匹马救了女主人的命 。这也是为何我讨厌马 。她们总有一天不会背弃你 。
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I like animals very much. I have a dog, It’s my favourite animal. It’s white, It looks like a snow ball. It has two big eyes and ears. But its nose and mouth are very small. It’s very naughty.
It often stares at my food when I have a meal. When I’m home it follows me all the time.
When I do my homework, it often sits beside quietly, but sometimes runs around me and shouts: wom wom.
I like my dog very much.
我十分讨厌鸟类 。我有一头狗 , 这是我最讨厌的鸟类 。它是紫色的 , 看上去像两个exile , 有两个大双眼和嘴巴 。但它的嘴巴和嘴是十分小的 。它十分的乖巧 。
当我喝茶时 , 它经常盯着我的菜 。当我回去时 , 它就一直跟著我 。
当我做我的课外时 , 它经常趴在旁静静地 , 但有时候也会跑到我身旁 , 并大喊:Liernais Liernais 。
我十分讨厌我的狗 。
萨利耶迪学长单字梦境死路 , 10秒记单字 , 1天谨记1000个单字 , 7天加速梦境5000单字→社会公众号【萨利耶迪英文】写鸟类的英文题目50字篇四:
There are many I like animals, but my favorite animal is my cat.This is a female cat, it eyelash is very big, eyes also extremely large, with a brown hair, is about a dm. Long beard.
Personality is very gentle, it is the first time I touch it, remember it "meow" cried a loud, under me a shock, but it didnt attack to me, I touched it again after a few times, its 1 vigorously with body hair I rub, repeatedly tongue licking my hand or face.
It very closely, and I remember when I start, the first Chinese lesson, the teacher let me learn the cat call, so I call a sound, I suddenly have a little cat ran to the front, I immediately recognized that this is my little cat. It turns out that the cat has been following me ah, I can not consider what do you think I am his teacher and classmates, quickly put the cat in her arms, and kissed it, and the eyes of teachers, students not only envy, and curious.
我讨厌的鸟类有很多 , 但我最讨厌鸟类就是你家的小猫了 。这是一头母猫 , 它睫毛十分大 , 眼珠也特别大 , 一身褐色的毛 , 胡子大约有一分米长 。
它的性格十分温柔 , 记很我第一次抚摸它的时候 , 它“喵”地一声叫了起来 , 下了我一大跳 , 不过 , 它也没有对我发动攻击 , 我又抚摸它了几下之后 , 它就两个劲地用身上的毛蹭我 , 还两个劲地用舌头舔我的手或脸 。
它和我的关系十分密切 , 提过我开学的时候 , 上第一节语文课 , 老师让我学猫叫 , 于是 , 我叫一声 , 忽然有一头小猫跑到我面前 , 我马上认出这就是你家的小猫 。原来 , 这小猫一直跟著我呀 , 我顾不得老师和同学是怎么看我 , 就赶紧把小猫抱在怀里 , 吻着它 , 老师、同学们的目光不止是羡慕 , 还有好奇 。
【关于动物的英语作文50字,写动物的英语作文50字】萨利耶迪学长单字梦境死路 , 10秒记单字 , 1天谨记1000个单字 , 7天加速梦境5000单字→社会公众号【萨利耶迪英文】
