
1、浮云一别后 , 流水十年间 。欢笑情如旧 , 萧疏鬓已斑 。
After the clouds were separated, the water flowed for ten years. Laughter is as old as ever, Xiao Shubian has been spotted.
2、我要走了 , 你要照顾好自己 。
Im leaving. You have to take care of yourself.
3、三年前的相遇 , 三年后的离别 。
Meeting three years ago, leaving three years later.
4、离别时 , 至少给我一个拥抱 , 别让我觉得自己微不足道 。
When leaving, give me at least a hug. Dont make me feel insignificant.
5、那些以前说着永不分离的人 , 早已经散落在天涯了 。
Those who used to say that they would never be separated have long been scattered in the horizon.
6、离别的多年以后 , 我都还有想要爱你的冲动 。
【告别的句子唯美英语】After many years of parting, I still have the impulse to love you.
