
1. The sky was overcast, and rain was imminent.
2. A thick fog had settled over the city, obscuring everything in sight.
3. The sun was beating down mercilessly, making it difficult to stay outside for long.
4. A gentle breeze was blowing, carrying the scent of blooming flowers.
5. Snowflakes were falling softly, blanketing the ground in a pristine white.
6. The air was thick with humidity, making it hard to breathe.
7. The wind was howling, rattling the windows and shaking the trees.
8. Lightning flashed across the sky, illuminating the darkness.
9. The rain was coming down in sheets, creating puddles and streams on the streets.
10. A dense blanket of fog covered the landscape, making it hard to see anything beyond a few yards.
11. The sun was setting, casting the sky in a warm orange glow.
12. The air was crisp and clear, filling the lungs with fresh mountain air.
13. The snow was so deep it was nearly impossible to walk through.
14. The thunder was deafening, shaking the very foundation of the house.
15. Gray clouds loomed overhead, threatening to release a deluge of rain.
16. A rainbow appeared in the sky, creating a colorful arch of light.
17. A light drizzle was falling, cooling and refreshing the air.
18. The air was heavy with the scent of freshly cut grass.
19. The sun was shining bright and hot, making everything seem to shimmer and dance.
20. The snow had turned to slush, making the sidewalks slippery and dangerous.
21. The sky was deep blue and cloudless, making it a perfect day for outdoor activities.
22. The wind was gusting, tossing leaves and debris through the air.
23. The rain had stopped, leaving the sky a brilliant shade of pink and orange.
24. A thick layer of ice had formed on everything, making it difficult to move or drive.
25. The air was thick with pollen, making it a difficult time for allergy sufferers.
26. The moon was full, casting a siLVery light on everything.
27. The snow had turned to sleet, making driving conditions treacherous.
28. The sun had disappeared behind a blanket of gray clouds, signaling the arrival of a storm.
29. A light breeze was blowing, carrying the sweet fragrance of flowers on the wind.
30. The air was sticky and humid, making people sweat and feel uncomfortable.
31. The sky was painted in a stunning display of oranges, pinks, and purples as the sun set.
32. Sheets of rain were falling from the sky, drenching everything in sight.
33. The air was thick with smoke, making it hard to breathe.
34. The wind was calm and still, creating a sense of peace and tranquility.
35. A light fog had settled over the city, making everything seem hazy and ethereal.
36. The snow had turned to heavy sleet, making it nearly impossible to see or move.
37. The sun was shining down, casting a golden light on everything around it.
38. Clouds were gathering on the horizon, signaling the approach of a storm.
39. A light mist was falling, creating a mystical and enchanting atmosphere.
40. The air was cool and crisp, invigorating the mind and body.
41. The wind was howling through the trees, bending them almost to the ground.
42. The sky was filled with dark clouds, creating a sense of gloom and sadness.
43. The rain had stopped, leaving a pristine clear sky with crystal stars.
44. The air was filled with the sound of cicadas, signaling the arrival of summer.
45. The sun was setting in a fiery blaze of reds and oranges, creating a breathtaking view.
46. A light snow was falling, covering everything in a delicate blanket of white.
47. The air was heavy with the scent of salt water, signaling the proximity of the ocean.
48. The wind was gusting, creating a fierce and violent storm.
49. The sky was clear and bright blue, a sign of good weather for days to come.
【描写天气的句子】50. The air was heavy with the scent of blooming flowers, signaling the arrival of spring.
