推人下水的女子事件真实原因( 二 )

“I couldn’t shower by myself, couldn’t use the bathroom by myself — I could barely even walk,” she said in her notes. “Once I left the hospital, I was left with pain…To this day my ribs have healed, but I still get pain and discomfort in that area. I also can’t play my desired position for softball because my arm…I always wanted to play college softball but now I may not get that chance.”
“我不能独自洗澡,不能独自上厕所——甚至连路都走不了,”她在陈述书中说 。“虽然我出院了,但疼痛依然伴随着我…直到今天我的肋骨已经愈合,但我仍觉得那儿有些不舒服 。由于手臂受伤,我也不能打垒球了…我一直想上大学后打垒球,但现在可能没有那个机会了 。”
Holgerson wrote that “even though it happened last summer” she still can’t sleep at night “because of PTSD and insomnia.”
霍格森写道“即使事故是去年夏天发生的”,但“因为患上创伤后应激障碍和失眠症”,至今她晚上都难以入睡 。
“I have these anxiety attacks that are so bad that my body feels like it’s shutting down and I feel like I’m going to die,” the teen said. “This has taken over my life and limited the things I can do without having an attack.”
“如今焦虑发作起来也很严重,我都能感到身体似乎停止了运作,感觉快要死了,”霍格森说 。“这种情况发生的次数太多,以至于我的生活严重受到影响 。”
▲ Teen who pushed friend off 60-foot bridge gets two days in jail (via nypost)
据报道,霍格森当时是腹部朝下直接拍打在水面上 。事故导致她多根肋骨骨折,肺被刺穿,全身遍布淤伤 。


图 via dailymail

图 via dailymail
霍格森说事故发生后最让她失望的是泰勒既不承认她做错了,也没有向她道过歉 。
而史密斯却不这么认为,她承认自己的确把霍格森推下水了,但目的是要帮她克服恐惧,而不是要故意伤害她 。
During an interview with "Good Morning America" last August, Smith claimed Holgerson had asked her to give a push while on the bridge. "I didn't think about the consequences," Smith said. "I thought she'd be fine."
去年8月,史密斯在接受“早安美国”采访时声称,在桥上时是霍格森让她推一把的 。“我没有想到后果,”史密斯说 。“我以为她会没事的 。”
【推人下水的女子事件真实原因】▲ Washington woman sentenced to 2 days in jail for pushing her friend off a 60-foot bridge (via usatoday)
霍格森的妈妈在法庭上也发言举证,表示她并不认为史密斯有任何悔过之意,当初把自己女儿推下水后,史密斯都没有下去看看她到底怎么样了,而是匆忙离开现场 。
“After Taylor pushed her, she did not rush down to see if Jordan was OK, she left the scene,” Genelle Holgerson said. “She did not show up at the hospital to check on Jordan. She did not stop by our home to see if she was OK or in any other way act like a friend.”
“她把我女儿推下水之后,没有赶紧下去看看她有没有事,而是离开了现场,”盖内尔·霍格森说 。“她没有去医院探望她,也没有来我们家看看她怎么样了,毫无朋友之间该有的任何关心 。”
▲ Washington teenager who pushed friend off 60-foot bridge sentenced to 2 days in jail (via nbcnews)
不知道如今霍格森和史密斯再看到这张昔日闺蜜合照时会作何感想 。

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