
1. I am grateful for the person who helped me change my tire on a dark and rainy night.
2. I will always appreciate the teacher who encouraged me to purSUe my dreams.
3. A stranger once helped me carry heavy bags up a flight of stairs, and I am thankful for their kindness.
4. My friend gave me a shoulder to cry on when I was going through a difficult time, and I will never forget it.
5. I am thankful for the coworker who showed me how to navigate a new project.
6. My parents have always been there for me, and I can never repay their love and support.
7. A kind cashier once let me use an expired coupon, and I am grateful for their generosity.
8. I will always remember the doctor who saved my life in an emergency situation.
9. I am grateful for the partner who helped me through a tough breakup.
10. My neighbor shoveLED my driveway after a snowstorm, and I am thankful for their kindness.
11. A mentor once ADvised me to take a chance and pursue a new opportunity, and I am grateful for their guidance.
12. My friend gave me a place to stay when I was homeless, and they will always have my gratitude.
13. I am thankful for the coworker who stayed late to help me finish a project.
14. My spouse supports me in everything I do, and I am grateful for their love.
15. A stranger once returned my lost wallet with all of its contents, and I will forever be thankful for their honesty.
16. I will always appreciate the boss who gave me a chance to prove myself.
17. My teammate helped me improve my skills and become a better player, and I am thankful for their help.
18. I am grateful for the friend who made me believe in myself when I thought I couldn't do it.
19. A customer once gave me a big tip for my hard work, and I am thankful for their generosity.
20. My sibling always knows how to make me feel better when I am down, and I am grateful for their love.
21. I am thankful for the volunteer who gave their time to help with a community project.
22. My friend gave me a pep talk before a big exam, and I am grateful for their support.
23. A coworker once covered my shift so I could attend a family event, and I am thankful for their kindness.
24. I will never forget the person who helped me find my lost pet.
25. I am grateful for the professor who took the time to explain a difficult concept to me.
26. My friend helped me move into my new apartment, and I will always be thankful for their help.
27. I am thankful for the stranger who offered me their umbrella on a rainy day.
28. My neighbor gave me a ride when my car broke down, and I am grateful for their generosity.
29. A coworker once gave me advice that helped me solve a work problem, and I am thankful for their wisdom.
30. I will always appreciate the family member who helped me through a tough time in my life.
31. I am thankful for the person who recommended me for a job that I love.
32. A friend once taught me a new skill that has been invaluable to me, and I am grateful for their expertise.
33. My coworker gave me a compliment that boosted my confidence when I needed it most, and I am thankful for their encouragement.
34. I am grateful for the teacher who showed me how to be more resilient in the face of adversity.
35. My partner supports my hobbies and dreams, and I am thankful for their unwavering belief in me.
36. A stranger once offered to help me carry a heavy load, and I am grateful for their kindness.
37. I will always appreciate the person who helped me when I got lost in an unfamiliar city.
38. I am thankful for the coach who pushed me to be the best athlete I could be.
39. A friend once gave me a compliment that made my day, and I am grateful for their kind words.
40. My coworker once gave me feedback that helped me improve my work, and I am thankful for their honesty.
41. I am grateful for the person who gave me a ride to the airport when I was running late.
42. My friend introduced me to someone who helped me land my dream job, and I am thankful for their connection.
43. A stranger once gave me directions when I was lost, and I am grateful for their help.
44. I will always appreciate the teacher who believed in me when nobody else did.
45. I am thankful for the coworker who showed me how to use a new software program.
46. My neighbor let me borrow their lawnmower when mine broke, and I am grateful for their generosity.
47. A friend once gave me a gift that showed how much they cared, and I am thankful for their thoughtfulness.
48. I am grateful for the person who gave me a shoulder to cry on when I was heartbroken.
49. My coworker helped me organize a successful fundraiser, and I am thankful for their hard work.
【受人帮助而感恩的句子】50. I will always appreciate the friend who stood by me through thick and thin.
