一月到十二月英语 april是几月份( 二 )

读作:January the seventeenth, two thousand and two



写作:17(th) January, 2002或the seventeenth of January, 2002 (月和年之间需用逗号隔开)

读作:the seventeenth of January, two thousand and two


3.1、spring(春天) , summer(夏天) , autumn(秋天) , winter(冬天)

3.2、Monday(星期一) , Tuesday(星期二) , Wednesday(星期三) , Thursday(星期四) , Friday(星期五) , Saturday(星期六) , Sunday(星期天) , weekend(周末)


twilight 日落后或日出前的微明

dawn 天刚亮时的黎明

sunrise 日出

morning 早晨

noon 中午

midday 正午

afternoon 下午

sunset 日落

dusk 接近夜晚的黄昏时刻

evening 晚上(日落到入睡之间的时间段)

night 夜晚(日落到日出或黄昏到拂晓时间段)

midnight 午夜 , 夜半

注:morning, afternoon和evening介词用in , 如:in the morning 。其余介词均用at , 如:at twilight, at sunset, at night 。



①用“定冠词 序数词 century”表示

例:在十七世纪写作:in the 17thcentury , 读作:in the seventeenth century

②用“定冠词 百位进数 s”表示

例:在十七世纪写作:in the 1600s , 读作:in the sixteen hundreds

(注意:这种情况下 , 实际表达的世纪数是阿拉伯数字本身加1 。如2018年不是20世纪 , 而是21世纪)


用“定冠词 (世纪百位进数 十位年代数) s”表示

例:在二十世纪三十年代写作:in the1930s , 读作:in the thirties of the twentieth century或 in the nineteen thirties

表示某年代的早期、中期和晚期 , 可以在定冠词后添加early, mid-和late 。


在二十世纪二十年代早期 in the early 1920s;

在二十世纪五十年代中期 in the mid-1950s


若指在哪年或哪月 , 用介词in;若具体到某一天 , 用介词on;在几点钟或者某个时刻 , 用at 。例如:

She was born in 1989.

She was born in August.

She was born on 2nd August, 1989.

She goes to school at seven every day.


1、What time用来询问某一具体时间或几点钟 。

如:What time do you get up? --- I get up at 6:00.

2、What day用来询问星期几 。

如:What day is it today? --- Today is Friday.

3、When用来询问某一点时间 , 也可询问某一段时间 , 意思是:什么时候 。

如:When will he go to Beijing? --- He will go to Beijing next week.

4、How long用来询问某一段时间 , 意思是:多长时间 。

如:How long did it take your father to finish the work? --- It took my father three weeks to finish the work.

5、How soon用来询问将来的某一时间 , 意思是:多久(以后) 。

如:How soon will he finish the work? --- He will finish the work in a week.

6、How often用来询问频度 , 意思是:多久一次 。常见的频度词语有:always(总是) , usually(通常) , often(经常) , sometimes(有时) , never(从不) , once a day(一天一次) , twice a week(一星期两次) , three times a month(一个月三次)等 。
