opportunity什么意思 recently是什么意思

recent与recently的词性分别为形容词和副词 , 含义为“近来;最近 , 近日 , 不久前” , 相对应的“近来”的含义对应着现在完成(进行)时态;当然“不久前、最近”对应于过去(进行)时态;until recently的含义是“直到不久前 , 不久前”等 。
5)一般现在时 , 如be, seem等 。
【opportunity什么意思 recently是什么意思】第1:recent(ly)用于一般过去时:
《COBUILD柯林斯 英汉双解词典》辛克莱著第1612页recently词条
It is only quite recently that I started painting. 我只是最近才开始从事绘画的 。
recently: adv, at a time that was not long ago or that started not long ago最近;近来
She only recently discovered the truth. 她最近才发现真相 。
recent: adj, happening or starting a short time ago最近的;不久前的
a recent discovery/survey/study最近的发现/调查/研究
It was the highest election turnout in recent memory.
这是近年来选举中投票人数最多的一次 。
recently可与修饰属于完成时态或过去时态的动词 。例如:
I (have) heard from him recently.
《新概念英语》第二册第58课 A blessing in disguise? 是因祸得福吗?
The tree was planted near a church fifty years ago, but it is only in recent yearsthat it has gained an evil reputation.
后半句事实上是个强调句 , 百思特网可理解为that it has gained an evil reputation only in recent years. 这里把recent对应于现在完成时源于此 。
这也是2016年考查的一个重点:in recent years常常与现在完成时匹配使用 。
It is only fairly recently that historians have begun to investigate the question.
只是到最近历史学家才开始探究这个问题 。
recently最近 , 新近;近来
I saw (have seen) him recently百思特网. 我最近看见过他 。
We haven’t played baseball recently. 我们近来没百思特网有打棒球 。
(英)和(美)都在过去时、现在完成时或现在完成进行时中用 , 通常不在现在时中用 。
《COBUILD柯林斯 英汉双解词典》辛克莱著第1612页recently词条
I haven’t heard from her recently. 近来我没有接到她的信 。
I wonder whether he’s been writing recently. 我不知道他近来是否还在写作 。
老版《新概念英语》第三册第47课 Through the earth’s crust
Until recently, scientists have been unable to devise a drill which would be capable of cutting through hard rock at great depths.
in recent years/decades/months
Business has boomed in recent years. 最近几年生意一直很兴隆 。
Until recently they were living in York. 他们不久前还住在约克 。
《新概念英语》第二册第35课 Stop thief! 捉贼!
When he was driving along Catford Street recently, he saw two thieves rush out of a shop and run towards a waiting car.
第4:recent(ly)用于一般现在时如be, seem等的一般现在时
