无处不在的假象与幻想,梦想一边成长一边灭亡 。Illusion and fantasy are everywhere. Dreams grow and die.下面是小编为大家整理的森系干净短句无关爱情英文句子 , 希望大家喜欢!
1、因为知足 , 所以更接近幸福 。
Because of contentment, it is closer to happiness.
2、我与春风皆过客 , 你携秋水揽星河 。
Spring breeze and I are passing by. You take the autumn water to catch the stars.
3、的眼神再温柔些,月亮会融化 , 我也会 。
More gentle eyes, the moon will melt, I will.
4、见过星河的璀璨,没见过你眼里的期盼,仍是遗憾 。
It's still a pity to see the bright star river and the expectation in your eyes.
5、眉眼温柔,日子自然也变得可爱 。
The eyes and eyebrows are gentle, and the days are naturally lovely.
6、我喜欢花,更喜欢拿着花向我走来的你 。
I like flowers. I prefer you who come to me with flowers.
7、给你一整首情诗 , 关于你温暖名字 。
Give you a whole love poem about your warm name.
8、我有一个秘密花园,里面装着那些年,我和你的记忆 。
I have a secret garden, which contains the memories of those years, me and you.
9、孤独不是没人爱你,而是你谁也不爱 。
Loneliness is not that no one loves you, but that no one loves you.
10、答应自己 , 就算日子不好过,也要照顾好自己 。
Promise yourself to take good care of yourself even if life is not easy.
11、风华燃尽,多少繁华,终化为指间流沙 。
The wind and the flower burn out, how many prosperous, finally turned into quicksand between fingers.
12、总要尝遍所有的路,在对生活充满期待 。
Always try all the ways and be full of expectation for life.
13、我喜欢的人?。?他有一身的温暖 。
I like people ah, he has a warm body.
14、糖的滋味 , 甜蜜而温暖 。所有美好的一切 。
The taste of sugar is sweet and warm. All the good things.
15、人生,总会有不期而遇的温暖,和生生不息的希望 。
Life, there will always be unexpected warmth, and endless hope.
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