
如果经常读一些激励学习的励志句子,也让我们有所收获,甚至会收到意想不到的效果,下面是小编为大家整理的英语励志学习名言 , 希望大家喜欢
1、不善思索的有才能的人,必定以悲剧收场 。
The talented man who is not good at thinking must end in tragedy.
2、要相信 , 梦里能到达的地方 , 总有一天,脚步也能到达 。
To believe that the dream can reach the place, one day, the pace can also arrive.
3、凡事不必太在意,一切随缘随心,缘深多聚聚,缘浅随它去 。
Do not care too much about everything, everything with fate heart, edge deep gather together, edge shallow with it.
4、知人者智,自知者明 。胜人者有力 , 自胜者强 。
He who knows others is wise, and he who knows himself is wise. The winner is strong, and the winner is strong.
Every great project seems impossible at first!
6、命运困我手,未来何处走 。未来不确定,唯有去相信 。
Fate trapped my hand, where to go in the future. The future is uncertain, only to believe.
7、无论乌鸦怎样用孔雀的羽毛来装饰自己,乌鸦毕竟是乌鸦 。
No matter how crows decorate themselves with peacock feathers, crows are crows after all.
8、我不知道自己要什么,但我知道自己不要什么 。
I don't know what I want, but I know what I don't want.
9、经过火的洗礼,泥巴也会有坚强的体魄 。
After the baptism of fire, mud will also have a strong physique.
10、活着不是靠泪水,搏取同情而是靠汗水获得掌声 。
To live is not by tears and sympathy, but by sweat to get applause.
11、逆着光旳从来只是过去,而不是未来 。
Against the light is always the past, not the future.
12、感觉累的时候,是因为你在走上坡路 。
When you feel tired, it's because you are going uphill.
13、愿你成为自己喜欢的样子 , 不抱怨、不将就 , 有野心、有光芒 。
Wish you to be the way you like, not complaining, not settling, ambitious and brilliant.
14、脾气会赶走你的好运气 。那些貌似心大的人,不过就是能忍 。
Temper will drive away your good luck. Those who seem to have a big heart are just tolerant.
15、希望我脸上无所谓的时候 , 心里也无所谓!
I hope my face doesn't matter, and my heart doesn't matter!
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