
勿以恶小而为之 , 勿以善小而不为 。下面是为小编为大家整理的学生格言励志中英文希望大家喜欢 。
1、面对困难 , 首先需要我们克服心理障碍 , 即战胜自己 。
In the face of difficulties, we need to overcome the psychological barrier, that is, to overcome their own difficulties.
2、如果寒暄只是打个招呼就了事的话 , 那与猴子的呼叫声有什么不同呢?
If the communication is to say hello and leave it, that voice calls and monkeys have what different?
3、盛年不重来 , 一日难再晨 , 及时当勉励 , 岁月不待人 。——陶渊明
Prime not to – day difficult morning, when encouraged timely, time waits for no one. — Tao Yuanming
4、梦想家的缺点是害怕命运 。——斯·菲利普斯
A weakness is afraid of destiny. — J Phillips
5、梦想只要能持久 , 就能成为现实 。我们不就是生活在梦想中的吗?——丁尼生
As long as the dream can be lasting, will be able to become a reality. We are not living in the dream of it? — Tennyson
6、虽有天下易生之物也 , 一日曝之 , 十日寒之 , 未有能生者也 。——孟轲
Although the world easily. Also, a day of exposure, ten days cold, also will not be able to grow. — Meng Ke
7、不要等待机会 , 而要创造机会 。
Don't wait for opportunities, but to create opportunities.
8、成功并不能用一个人达到什么地位来衡量 , 而是依据他在迈向成功的过程中 , 到底克服了多少困难和障碍 。——布克·华盛顿
Success is not measured by a person's status, but by how many difficulties and obstacles he has overcome in the course of his success. — Booker Washington
9、说慌是美妙的 。在人类的一切发明中 , 最美妙的发明是善良的上帝!——罗曼·罗兰
It's wonderful to say. Among all the inventions of mankind, the most wonderful invention is the kind of God! — Roman Roland
10、世界上那些最容易的事情中 , 拖延时间最不费力 。
The easiest things in the world, the most difficult to delay time.
11、所谓的快乐 , 是指身体的无痛苦和灵魂的无纷扰 。——伊壁鸠鲁
The so-called happiness, refers to the body no pain and soul without confusion. – Epicurus
12、勤奋 , 是步入成功之门的通行证 。
Hard work, is to enter the door of the success of the pass.
13、一个人如同一只钟表 , 是以他的行动来确定其价值 。—佩恩{英国
A man is like a clock, whose value is determined by his action. Payne – {UK
14、一寸光阴一寸金 , 寸金难买寸光阴 。——《增广贤文》
15、石可破也 , 而不可夺坚;丹可磨也 , 而不可夺赤 。——《吕氏春秋·诚廉》
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