
1、Its the best life to be clean every night, to fall asleep exhausted with peace of mind, to wake up fresh, calm and energetic every day.每一夜都能干清洁净,心安理得筋疲力尽地入睡,每一天也能清清新爽,心平气和精力充分地醒来,这就是最好的生涯 。
2、What is perfect? Its the volume of the headphones that just covers the outside noise. When the alarm clock rings, you just wake up naturally, and the person you love just loves you.什么是完善?就是耳机音量刚好能盖过外界噪音,闹钟响起时你刚好自然醒,你爱的人刚好也爱你 。
3、When you cant make a decision, let time decide for you. If you still cant decide, do it again. Better make mistakes than regret.做不了决议的时候,让时光帮你决议 。如果还是无法决议,做了再说 。情愿犯错,不留遗憾 。
4、Dont be too obsessed with the present or worry about the future. When you experience something, the scenery is different from the past.不必太纠结于当下,也不必太忧虑未来,当你阅历过一些事情的时候,眼前的景致已经和从前不一样了 。

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