英语中的名词性物主代词 名词性物主代词

在英语中,我们用形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词来表示对事物甚至人的所有权 。其中名词性物主代词用来代替名词表示所有权,所以在使用名词性物主代词之前,必须有一个名词先行词 。

一、名词性物主代词相当于:形容词性物主代词 + 名词,如下表:


My painting is ugly, but yours look beautiful.
我的画很丑,但你的画看起来很美 。

解析:此句用名词性物主代词 yours 指代 your painting.

The kids are yours and mine.
孩子们是你和我的 。

解析:此句用名词性物主代词 yours 指代 your kid,mine 指代 my kid.

The house is theirs and its paint is flaking.
这房子是他们的,油漆正在剥落 。

解析:此句用名词性物主代词 theirs 指代 their house,its 这里是形容词性物主代词,指代 house.

We shall finally have what is rightfully ours.
我们终将拥有属于我们的东西 。

解析:此句中的 what 相当于 a thing that,所以用名词性物主代词 ours 指代 our thing.

What's mine is yours, my friend.
我的是你的,我的朋友 。

解析:此句中的 what 相当于 a thing that,所以用名词性物主代词 mine 指代 mine thing,yours 指代 your thing.

还有疑问代词 whose 也是名词性物主代词,例如:

There was $100 on the table and Tara wondered whose it was.
桌上有100美元,塔拉想知道是谁的 。

This car hasn't moved for two months. Whose is it?
这辆车已经两个月没动了 。是谁的?



Is this your pen or is it mine?

解析:此句中的 mine 用来指代 my pen,pen 是在句子中提到过的 。


我的书包是黄色的,她的是红色的,他的书包是蓝色的,你的包是粉红色的 。

My bag is yellow, her bag is red, his bag is blue and your bag is pink.

My bag is yellow, hers is red, his is blue and yours is pink.



正:Are those gloves hers?

误:Are those gloves her's?


我们的许多朋友都参加了聚会 。

正:Lots of our friends were at the party.

误:Lots of ours friends were at the party.



单数谓语:Here is your car. Ours is over there, where we left it.
这是你的车 。我们的在那边,我们把它放在那里了 。

复数谓语:Your photos are good. Ours are terrible.
你的照片很好 。我们的很糟糕 。


I like your flowers. Do you like mine?
我喜欢你的花 。你喜欢我的吗?

John found his clothes but Mary couldn't find hers.
约翰找到了他的衣服,但玛丽找不到她的 。

四、特殊名词性物主代词 its 和 one

除非跟单词 own 连用,否则不使用名词性物主代词 its 或 one's,例如:

The house seemed asleep yet, as I have said, it had a life of its own.
房子好像睡着了,但正如我所说,它有自己的生活 。

One doesn’t like to spend too much time on one’s own.
一个人不喜欢花太多时间在自己身上 。
【英语中的名词性物主代词 名词性物主代词】

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