初中英语打电话用“call” call是什么意思

call/ko:l/v.vi喊、叫;呼叫;邀请;拜访 Call me John if you like.
如果你喜欢,可以叫我约翰 。
Call me at any time if you need help.
如果你需要帮助随时可以打电话给我 。

① call on sb. 探望某人,号召:
We'll call on the children tomorrow.
我们明天去探望孩子们 。
The song called on us to take up the struggle,
这首歌号召我们奋起反抗 。

② call at some place 访问某地:
We shall call at his small restaurant this evening.
我们今晚将去他的小餐馆拜访 。

③ call for 来找某人(取某物):
I'll call for you at 2 p.m. 我下午2点来找你 。

④drop in 表示看望,但强调顺便看望:
drop in on sb.at some place.

I'll call her house today.
A. in B. on C.at D. up (C)
A woman called__him, but he was not in.
A. on B. with C. at D.to (A)
I'll call you at three this afternoon. Do wait for me.
A.at B. on C. for D. out (C)
Wake up, Jim. Did you hear your name just now?
【初中英语打电话用“call” call是什么意思】A. to be called B. calling C. to call D. called (D)
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