
你那么优秀,要保持自信和活力呦,晚安 。you're so good. keep confident and energetic. good night. 下面是为小编为大家整理的晚安希望你有个好梦英语怎么说希望大家喜欢 。
1、生活不是等待风暴过去,而是学会在雨中翩翩起舞 。晚安!
life is not waiting for the storm to pass, but learning to dance in the rain. good night!
2、睡前试着原谅一切,醒来才是更美好的一天,晚安好梦 。
try to forgive everything before going to bed. waking up is a better day. good night and a good dream.
3、真爱的第一个征兆,在男孩身上是胆怯,在女孩身上是大胆 。晚安 。
the first sign of true love is timidity in boys and boldness in girls. good night.
4、最美的幸福就是你给的感动,最美的幸福就是遇到了你 。晚安!
the most beautiful happiness is the feeling you give, the most beautiful happiness is to meet you. good night!
5、不管什么遭遇,记得内心装满开心的童话 。晚安 。
no matter what happens, remember the fairy tale full of happiness. good night.
6、我擅长隐藏自己,更擅长隐藏有多喜欢你,晚安,把你放在心底 。
i'm good at hiding myself. i'm better at hiding how much i like you. good night. keep you in my heart.
7、你喜欢世间万物无所不奇,却不知我喜欢的仅仅是你 。晚安!
you like everything in the world, but i don't know what i like is just you. good night!
8、成熟就是:容得下生命的不完美,也经得起世事的颠簸 。晚安 。
maturity is: to tolerate the imperfections of life, but also to withstand the ups and downs of the world. good night.
9、热爱世间,热爱万物,无例外,无最爱 。晚安 。
love the world, love everything, no exception, no favorite. good night.
10、珍惜所有的不期而遇,看淡所有的不辞而别 。晚安 。
cherish all unexpected encounter, despise all leave without saying goodbye. good night.
11、我可以把所有的爱都给你,因为你就是我此生最爱 。晚安 。
i can give you all my love, because you are the love of my life. good night.
12、我是梅菜你是肉,我想扣住你的手 。晚安,宝贝 。
i'm mei cai and you are meat. i want to hold your hand. good night, baby.
13、愿你不再脆弱,并永远不需要再假装坚强 。晚安 。
may you no longer be vulnerable and never need to pretend to be strong. good night.
14、问题越重大,答案就越不可能一成不变 。晚安!
the bigger the question, the less likely the answer will be. good night!
15、准备睡一个长长的觉,梦中梦到甜甜的你 。晚安!
ready to sleep a long sleep, dream of sweet you in the dream. good night!
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