under 的用法 under

一、under 用来指示一个比较低的位置,意为“在(或到、通过)…下面”,例如:

Have you looked under the bed?

She placed the ladder under the window.
她把梯子立在窗户下面 。

The dog squeezed under the gate and ran into the road.
狗从门底下钻出去,跑到大路上去了 。

He hid under the bed.
他躲在床底下 。

They stood under a tree to avoid getting wet.
他们站在树下以免淋湿 。

二、under 用来表示在某物表面下,通常是被某物覆盖或紧贴着某物,意为“在…表面下”,例如:

She was holding a folder under her arm.
她腋下夹着一个文件夹 。

Because I'm a bad swimmer, I often go under and swallow a lot of water.
因为我游泳游得不好,我经常下到水里并吞很多水 。

In AD 79 the city of Pompei was buried under a layer of ash seven metres deep.
公元79年,庞贝城被埋在一层7米深的灰烬之下 。

She put the thermometer under my tongue.
她把温度计放在我舌头底下 。

She used to hide her diary under her pillow.
她过去常常把日记藏在枕头下面 。

They found the body buried under a pile of leaves.
他们发现尸体被埋在一堆树叶下面 。

My sister was hidden under several layers of blankets.
我妹妹藏在几层毯子下面 。

The main fields are under wheat.
主要的田地被小麦覆盖 。

三、under 用来表示如果一本书,一篇文章或一条信息在某个特殊的标题或属于某个归类下,那么它们就可以在该标题下被找到,或是按这个标题在清单或是图书馆中被找到,例如:

If it's not under ‘sports’, try looking under ‘games’.
如果在“体育运动”项下查不到,就试试“游戏”项吧 。

Books on Ansel Adams will probably be under Art or Photography.
关于安塞尔·亚当斯的书可能会被归入艺术或摄影类 。

四、under 用来表示数量少于某个数字,相当于 less than,意为”少于,小于,不足“;或表示年龄小于某个岁数,相当于 younger than,意为”比…年轻“,例如:

All items cost/are under a pound.
所有物品的价格都在一英镑以下 。

The discount applies only to children under ten.
折扣只适用于十岁以下的儿童 。

If you get under 50 percent, you fail the exam.
如果你不到50%,你考试就不及格 。

五、under 用来表示在什么的影响下发生的事情或结果,意为”由…造成,受…影响“,例如:

The wall collapsed under the strain.
墙壁因承受不了重压而坍塌了 。

Now that the deadline is approaching we all feel under pressure.
现在最后期限快到了,我们都感到有压力 。

The chair broke under his weight.
椅子在他的重压下坏了 。

The work was completed under very difficult conditions.
这项工作是在非常困难的条件下完成的 。

六、under 用来表示依据,意为”根据,按照“,例如:

Under the current rules, you need the agreement of at least 6 out of 10 committee members.
根据目前的规则,你需要得到至少6/10委员会成员的同意 。

Under the terms of the lease you had no right to sublet the property.
按租约条款的规定,你无权转租这房产 。

Is the television still under guarantee?

七、under 用来表示处于某个过程,意为”在…过程中“,例如:

The town is under fire from the air.
这座城镇受到空中的炮火袭击 。

The patient is being kept under heavy sedation.
这个病人正在服大量镇静剂 。

She'll have to go under anaesthetic for the operation.
她得接受麻醉才能做手术 。

The proposals are now under consideration by the Board of Governors.
董事会正在审议这些提议 。

The situation is still not under control.
局势仍未得到控制 。

八、under 用来表示在什么命令或指令下,意为”在…指令或命令下“,例如:

They're under strict orders not to discuss the situation.
他们接到严格的命令,不许讨论这个情况 。

He's under doctor's orders to cut down on fatty food and to drink no alcohol for at least six months.
医生命令他减少高脂肪食物,至少六个月内不喝酒 。

九、under 用来表示在某人或某个组织下,意为”由…控制(或管理,经营,统治)”,例如:

He's a Colonel, with hundreds of soldiers under him.
他是上校,手下有数百名士兵 。

The country is now under martial law.
这个国家目前在戒严中 。

The coinage was reformed under Elizabeth I .
英国币制在伊丽莎白一世时代作了改革 。

She has a staff of 19 working under her.
她手下有19个职员工作 。

I wonder what Britain was like under the Romans.
我想知道罗马人统治下的英国是什么样的 。

十、under 用来表示使用一个特殊的名词,通常不是真实的名词,意为“用,以(某一名字)”,例如:

He writes under the name John le Carré.
他以约翰·勒卡尔的名义写作 。

For his own safety, he has to operate under a false name/an alias.
为了自己的安全,他不得不用假名/化名做手术 。

十一、under 用于复合词中,表示做得不够或低于某个标准,例如:

undercooked potatoes

underprivileged children

We're all overworked and underpaid.
我们都工作过度,工资低 。

His boss says he's under-performing at work.
他的老板说他工作表现欠佳 。
【under 的用法 under】

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