
This isnt the great beyond, its the great before.
这里不是生之彼岸 , 而是生之来处 。
Forgetting the trauma of childbirth is one of the great gifts of the universe.
忘记出生时的痛苦 , 是宇宙赐予我们的伟大礼物之一 。
Dont worry, you cant crush a soul here. Thats what life on earth is for.
别担心 , 灵魂是压不死的 , 生活才会压垮你 。
You life is sad and pathetic and you are working so hard to get back to it. Why?Is All This Living Really Worth Dying For.
你的人生既可悲又可怜 , 可你却拼了命地想要回去 , 到底为什么啊!这样的生活真的值得你拼命吗 。
My life was meaningless. Im just afraid that if I died today my life would have amounted to nothing.
我的人生确实毫无意义 。我只是害怕如果我今天死了 , 我的人生就真的一无所有了 。
Your spark isnt your purpose, that last box fills in when you are ready to come live.
火花不是生活目标 。当你想要生活的那一刻 , 火花就已经被点燃 。
Im going to live every minute of it.
我会享受活在当下的每一分钟 。
Were in the Business Of Inspiration, Joe, but its not often we find ourselves inspired.
虽然我们就在做启发灵魂的工作 , 乔 , 但我们自己的灵魂被启发的时候并不多见 。
Music is all I think about. From the moment I wake up in the morning to the moment I fall asleep at night.
音乐就是我的全部 。从早上醒来到晚上睡去 , 我的脑海中全是音乐 。
So what do you think you’ll do? How are you gonna spend your life.
