雅思口语的考试形式是考生与考官一对一沟通互动 。口语考试通常分为三部分,考生可以把握各部分不同的考查形式来全面展现自己的口语能力 。雅思口语考试全程录音,该录音也可作为考生对成绩不满时复议口语成绩的参考资料 。
评分方式:雅思口语评分主要从四项来考察考生的水平 。第一项Fluency coherence流利度和连贯性,第二项Lexical Resource词汇资源,第三项Grammatical Use语法的应用和准确度,第四项Pronunciation发音 。评分时考官还会考虑考生全程的综合表现;
第二部分,抽取卡片,卡片上印有话题和提示 。考生有1分钟时间准备,然后针对话题进行1到2分钟的观点阐述;
第三部分,考官就第二部分所提及的话题与考生进行更深入的双向讨论,或者考官就其他话题与考生进行双向讨论 。
(本期彩蛋小编整理了:1)20个常见话题,提示,考官后续问题;2)6个话题描述内容以及涉及的问题;3)4个详尽案例分析,包括问题,阐述,问答环节 。供同学们参考 。由于微信篇幅有限,所以放到了彩蛋中,彩蛋获取方法见文末哦)
雅思口语考试第一部分通常为三个熟悉领域的话题 。第一个话题可能是学习、工作、居住地 。后两个话题通常会涉及旅游、家庭、朋友、音乐、交通、运动等 。你可以用自己的亲身经历作答,答案没有对错 。
每个方面,都为你准备了常问的问题,准备时可以反复拿这些问题来问自己 。
Could you show me youridentification card please?
Could you tell me your fullname please?
What shall I call you?
Does your name have anyspecial meaning?
Why do so many people changetheir names?
Is your name important to you?
wher do you come from?
wher do you live?
Can you tell me somethingabout your hometown?
Can you tell me some famouslandscapes or scenic spots in your hometown?
Can you tell me some historyof your hometown?
Are you a student or do youhave a job?
What do you like most aboutyour study?
What kind of job do you preferafter graduation?
What is your major?
What do you do for living?
Could you tell me a typicalday of yours?
How do you get your job?
Are you satisfied with yourjob?
What do you like most aboutyour job?
What kind of job do you preferin the future?
What do you usually do in yourspare time?
Do you prefer to stay alone orwith your friends?
What do you usually do onweekends and weekdays?
What do you usually do whenyou go out?
What do you usually do withyour friends?
Do you like reading?
What kind of books do you likebest?
Do you like English? Why orwhy not?
What do you think of theimportance of English?
What are good hobbies and badhobbies? Why?
Why do you take the IELTStest?
What are you planning to do inthe next five years?
What are you planning to do inthe next ten years?
What is the first thing you willdo when you arrive at the new place?
Do you like traveling?
Do you like travel alone or with your friends?
Have you traveled to other places? wher are they?
What do you usually do when you first arrive in a newplace?
What are the benefits of traveling?
Why do so many people like traveling nowadays?
Do you think it's true that travel broadens the mind?
Do young people and older people benefit differentlyfrom travelling?
How can you make sure you get the most from yourtravels?
Tell me something about your family.
What do you like doing most with your family?
Who are you close to in your family?
In what way is your family important to you?
In what ways have families changed in the last hundredyears?
Should we rely heavily on our families or is it betterto try to be independent?
Do you have many friends? Are they casual acquaintancesor close friends?
Do you prefer to stay with your family or with yourfriends?
Do you prefer one or two close friends or many friends?
Can you talk about your best friend?
How to make friends?
What do you usually do with your friends?
Is the time you spend with your friends as much as thatyou spend with your family?
What do you expect from a good friend?
Are friends as important to you as family?
Do you think friendships change as we get older? How?
Do you like music?
What are the benefits of listening to music?
What kind of music do you like best?
Why do you like this kind of music?
What is your favorite musical instrument?
Can you say something about the transportation in yourhometown?
What is the common means of transport in your country?
Do traffic jams often occur in your hometown or in thecity wher you live?
How to solve the problem?
What changes in transportation have taken place in thepast several years in your country?
Are you good at sport?
What sports do you play?
What is the most popular sport in your country?
What do you do to keep fit?
What are the best ways to keep fit?
Do you think most people consider exercise a chore or dothey find it fun?
What is the most popular form of exercise in yourcountry?
(本期彩蛋小编整理了:1)20个常见话题,提示,考官后续问题;2)6个话题描述内容以及涉及的问题;3)4个详尽案例分析,包括问题,阐述,问答环节 。供同学们参考 。由于微信篇幅有限,所以放到了彩蛋中,彩蛋获取方法见文末哦)
第二部分 第三部分
雅思口语第二部分是话题卡,该部分主要测试考生针对话题展开讨论的能力,发散思维的能力,组织思路的能力,以及语法与词汇功底 。
考官针对刚才的阐述,提出若干问题,考官的问题有时也会稍微偏离主题 。
1. Describe a museum
How often do you visit the museum?
Which type of museum is popular in your country?
Why do you want to visit the museum?
What do you think of the importance of museums inhistory?
How do you think of the heritage of a country?
Compare the museums nowadays and in the past
2. Describe your favorite photograph
wher was the photo taken?
Who took the photo?
What can be seen from the photo?
Explain why it is the favorite photograph for you.
How to take good photo?
When do people use camera?
How can the new technology put cinema sskill advanced?
1)描述物体;2)描述人物;3)描述地点;4)描述媒体;5)描述节日;6)其他话题 。
Describe a piece of equipmentyou often use at home or at work.
What it is
What you do with it/ How to use it
How long you have had it
How important it is to you
What are the impacts of electrical equipment on human s life in the past ten years?
What are the differences of the life in the past and at the present?
What role does technological development play in people s life?
How will technology develop in the future?
Do you have a mobile phone? What are its advantages?
Why do many foreign countries develop faster than China?
Why does the China s West develop faster than China s East?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of computer and internet?
Describe a friend in yourschool time you like most.
Who he/she is
When did you became friends?
Why do you like him/her or why do you think that he/she is important to you?
How he/she influences you
What are the differences between adults and children in terms of making friends?
Can adults make friends with children?
What do you think are the most important factors when making friends?
What are the possible factors that cause the break-up of friendship?
Why is it difficult for adults to make friends?
What will the friendship become like when getting old?
(本期彩蛋小编整理了:1)20个常见话题,提示,考官后续问题;2)6个话题描述内容以及涉及的问题;3)4个详尽案例分析,包括问题,阐述,问答环节 。供同学们参考 。由于微信篇幅有限,所以放到了彩蛋中,彩蛋获取方法见文末哦)
在第二部分和第三部分,要尽可能多组织一些素材,回答问题时第一句话直接给出对方问题的答案,然后再分条列点来证明自己的观点 。你的答案应该有合理的理由来支撑,千万不要干瘪地给出你的观点 。
来举4个具体例子,让同学们切实感受一下从哪些方面组织语言和答案 。
案例1:Describe the best present/giftyou have received:
l Who send it? What is the gift? What is it for?
l When did you receive it?
l Detail information about the present.
Last year, my wife celebratedmy birthday at home. She bought an electronic dictionary as birthday gift. Ilike the electronic dictionary very much. It's blue and quite small. It fitsinto my pocket. I remember at that time, my wife said to me: she decidedto immigrate to Canada with me. In future, we must study very hard. And shehoped that the electronic dictionary could help me to improve myEnglish. On that day, I was very happy because my wife agreed to immigrateto Canada finally. Also, with the help of the electronic dictionary, I made suchrapid progress that before long I began to write articles in English.
1)In China, when will people send the present?
Oh, attend the party, such as Wedding Party, Birthday Party. During SpringFestival, people give presents each other, including clothes, books, flowersand foods.
2) Compare the gift which people have received 10 years ago to thepresent that people now are receiving, what's the difference between them?
(try to compare the gift you received in your teenage with the gift children receivednow)
Oh, I think the gift was monotonic before. For example, I often received anotebook as gift. But now, there are various gifts to choose from. Such asflowers, wine, food, clothes etc.
3) Just image the gift in the future children will receive.
In the future, I think more and more children will receive intellectual gifts,such as electronic dictionary, notebook computer and so on.
4) Just image the gift in the future people will receive.
In the future, oh, in most case, people will give flowers each other. I thinkflowers will be the most popular present.
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