
伦敦政治经济学院语言班信息如下: 课程名称 标准语言课程(5周) 短期语言课程(2周) 时间 2012.8.6~2012.9.7 2012.9.10~2012.9.21 费用 1875 750 课程描述 该语言课程是为了在进入LSE或英国其他大学正课的学习之前提高学生的学术语言能力 。学生将学到更多关于在英国学习的一些规则,为成功打扎实基础 。请注意:完成了该语言课程无法替代IELTS或TOFEL成绩,学生必须达到条件offer中的语言条件 。该语言课程是为了在进入LSE或英国其他大学正课的学习之前提高学生的学术语言能力 。学生将学到更多关于在英国学习的一些规则,为成功打扎实基础 。入学要求 获得LSE或英国其他大学的无条件offer; 比最低IELTS要求低0.5分(TOEFL与之对应) 。获得LSE或英国其他大学的无条件offer 。学习收获 完成该课程学生将有以下收获: Writing effectively and accurately within an academic context; Following the conventions of academic writing; Reading critically and effectively; Accessing academic journals and other sources of information; Listening to academic lectures and taking notes; Understanding and participating in academic seminars and discussions; Delivering presentations within a social science context. 完成该课程学生将有以下收获: Writing effectively and accurately within an academic context; Following the conventions of academic writing; Reading critically and effectively; Accessing academic journals and other sources of information; Listening to academic lectures and taking notes; Understanding and participating in academic seminars and discussions; Delivering presentations within a social science context. The expected learning outcome for this short two-week course is that students will become more confident in the language of academic discourse and will have practised some of the skills expected of university students.

伦敦政治经济学院语言班信息如下: 课程名称 标准语言课程(5周) 短期语言课程(2周) 时间 2012.8.6~2012.9.7 2012.9.10~2012.9.21 费用 1875 750 课程描述 该语言课程是为了在进入LSE或英国其他大学正课的学习之前提高学生的学术语言能力 。学生将学到更多关于在英国学习的一些规则,为成功打扎实基础 。请注意:完成了该语言课程无法替代IELTS或TOFEL成绩,学生必须达到条件offer中的语言条件 。该语言课程是为了在进入LSE或英国其他大学正课的学习之前提高学生的学术语言能力 。学生将学到更多关于在英国学习的一些规则,为成功打扎实基础 。入学要求 获得LSE或英国其他大学的无条件offer; 比最低IELTS要求低0.5分(TOEFL与之对应) 。获得LSE或英国其他大学的无条件offer 。学习收获 完成该课程学生将有以下收获: Writing effectively and accurately within an academic context; Following the conventions of academic writing; Reading critically and effectively; Accessing academic journals and other sources of information; Listening to academic lectures and taking notes; Understanding and participating in academic seminars and discussions; Delivering presentations within a social science context. 完成该课程学生将有以下收获: Writing effectively and accurately within an academic context; Following the conventions of academic writing; Reading critically and effectively; Accessing academic journals and other sources of information; Listening to academic lectures and taking notes; Understanding and participating in academic seminars and discussions; Delivering presentations within a social science context. The expected learning outcome for this short two-week course is that students will become more confident in the language of academic discourse and will have practised some of the skills expected of university students.

考前口语:实战演练,口语实战演练很重要,而且一定要说出口,在心中默念是没有效果的 。有很多同学在心中构思很好,大使到了脱口而出的那一瞬间便磕磕巴巴了 。所以建议大家每天给自己留出时间大声说,有没有听众都都无所谓 。
阅读:一分钟一道题,阅读的题量比较大,时间短 。有些考生纠缠在一道题上,实际上浪费了很多时间 。60分钟内要完成40道题,除去阅读文章的时间,每道题上花的时间就是一分钟,一定要敢于舍弃一些比较难的题 。平时练习就要养成这样的习惯 。
写作:抓大放小,建议考生先写大作文再写小作文,因为如果先写小作文,结果超时了,那后面的大作文就肯定写不完了,大作文要加入许多主观的观点,短时间内考生根本来不及思考 。
口语:好开头是成功的一半,口语重点考查的是考生的沟通能力,而不是口语水平 。在考试的时候一定要主动和考官打招呼,这样既显得有礼貌,又是种主动的沟通 。否则,就是开始例行公事地问问题,这样更会使得考生紧张 。
