英语美文阅读 经典英语美文欣赏

You must get over with your books and calligraphy as soon as possible rather than drag it out.
你必须尽快完成你要读的书和书法,不要再拖了 。
Get over yourself.Only when you are relentless in your pursuit of knowledge can you be remarkable.Life can’t cut corners,especially when you can’t count on others and everythig is from scratch,then you will definitely appreciate so diligent at the moment.
别自以为是,不要臭美 。只有对知识的坚持不懈地追求,你才会非同凡响 。人生没有捷径可走,尤其当你不能指望任何人,一切都得从头开始的时候,你必会感谢现在努力的自己了 。
You always have got to get the message over to me that playing isn’t good,study is the most important thing.
你总是要让我认识到玩耍并不是什么好的事情,学习才是王道 。
【英语美文阅读 经典英语美文欣赏】You said the world can be divided up into two kinds of people-the strong and the weak.The survival of the fittest and the law of the jungel is indisputable.
你说世界把人分为两类,强者跟弱者 。适者生存,丛林法则是无可辩驳的 。
The skittish future is uncontrollable,but multitudinous opportunities are ready for those hard people no matter who you are.Anyone can be anything!
变幻莫测的未来是无法控制的,但是任何努力的人都会有各种的可能,不管你是什么身份 。人人都有无限可能!
Therefore,I try my best to get over the urge to play outside,to be a docile child.
因此,我努力去克服这种玩耍的欲望,做一个听话的孩子 。
Therfore,I don’t spend my spare change down at the games,I don’t spend time on catching fish and shrimps in the river and climbing my neighor’s trees to steal graps ……
因此,我没有用零钱去玩游戏,没有花时间在河里抓鱼虾,没有爬上隔壁邻居的葡萄树去偷葡萄 。。。。
Everything sucks, just kidding.
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