meaning是什么意思 如何造句

下面是小编整理的meaning相关内容,希望能在各位学习英语时提供帮助 。
【meaning是什么意思 如何造句】
meaning的意思 meaning作名词时,意思是(声音、文字、信号等传递的)意义,意思;(想要表达的)意义;真正重要性;价值 。
Meaning作形容词时,意思是有意义的意味深长的;有所企图的 。
Meaning作动词时,意思是表示…的意思;意思是;本意是;打算;意欲;有…的目的 。
meaning造句 Unsure of the meaning of this remark, Ryle chose to remain silent.
由于不确定这句话究竟是什么意思,赖尔选择了保持沉默 。
Art has real meaning when it helps people to understand themselves.
当艺术有助于人们了解自身的时候才有真正的意义 。
Don't mention failure when Kevin is around. He doesn't know the meaning of
the word.
凯文在的时候不要提“失败”这个词 。他不知道什么叫“失败” 。
I became more aware of the symbols and their meanings.
我进一步理解了这些符号及其意义 。
Her book is not without autobiographical meaning.
她的书不无为自己作传的意图 。
The meaning is still obscure to me.
我对这意义还很模糊 。
Politicians have debased the meaning of the word 'freedom'
政客们贬低了“自由”一词的意义 。
Sometimes the insertion of one word can change the meaning of a whole
有时插入一个字可以改变全句的意义 。
Can you guess the meaning of the word from the context?
Many people have to look up the meaning of this word in the dictionary.
这个词的意思很多人都要查字典才知道 。
