中秋节的英语单词 中秋节的英文单词怎么说

The Mid-Autumn Festival is also called the Moon Festival or the Mooncake Festival. It traditionally falls on the 15th day of the eighth month in the Chinese lunar calendar (农历), which is sometime between late September and early October in the Gregorian calendar (公历). The Mid-Autumn Festival is the second most significant festival in China after the Chinese New Year.
the Chinese lunar calendar (农历)
the Gregorian calendar (公历) Gregorian [gr??g??r??n] n. 格雷戈里安
【中秋节的英语单词 中秋节的英文单词怎么说】significant [s?ɡ?n?f?k?nt] 重要的, 有重大意义的

Symbolism (象征): What is the Mid-Autumn Festival?
The Mid-Autumn Festival symbolizes family reunion and peace. The festival is celebrated when the moon is believed to be the biggest and fullest. To the Chinese, a full moon is a symbol of prosperity, happiness, and family reunion. 中秋节意味着家人团聚与平安 。人们觉得 , 中秋节的月亮最大、最圆 , 因此节日庆祝在此时进行 。对中国人来说 , 满月象征着繁荣、幸福和团圆 。
Celebration: How do the Chinese Celebrate the Mid-Autumn?
Many traditional and meaningful celebrations are held in most households in China and some of China's neighbouring countries. The main traditions and celebrations include eating mooncakes, gathering for dinner with family, worshipping the moon, and lighting lanterns. 大部分中国家庭以及中国的邻国都会举行许多传统有意义的庆祝活动 , 主要庆祝方式包括吃月饼 , 吃团圆饭 , 赏月和点灯笼 。
In some places in China, people can watch the fire dragon and lion dances to celebrate the festival. 在中国的一些地方 ,  人们会观看火龙舞和舞狮子表演 。
Fillings 馅儿: Which kind of mooncakes do you like best?
Must-eat food: mooncakes
There are many kinds of mooncakes which are made from different fillings:
lotus [?l??t?s] seed paste 莲蓉
sweet bean paste 豆沙
jujube [?d?u?d?u(?)b] paste 枣泥
five kernels [?k??nlz] 五仁 kernel n. (坚果或子粒的)仁
egg yolk [j??k] 蛋黄

Legend (神话故事)
The Mid-Autumn Festival probably began as a harvest festival. The festival was later given a mythological flavour with legends of Chang-E, the beautiful Goddess in the moon. 中秋节最早可能是一个庆祝丰收的节日 。后来 , 月宫里美丽的仙女嫦娥的神话故事赋予了它神话色彩 。

mythological [?m?θ??l?d??kl] adj. 神话的; 神话学的
Chang’e:嫦娥 the Immortal Moon Goddess
Hou Yi:后羿 an excellent archer
The Jade Rabbit 玉兔
elixir [??l?ks?(r)] n. 圣水; 灵丹妙药;长生不老药
archer [?ɑ?t??(r)] n. 弓箭手; 射箭运动员
immortal [??m??tl] adj. 长生的; 永世的; 不朽的; 名垂千古的
