彬彬有礼是什么意思? 一课译词:彬彬有礼!

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“彬彬有礼” , 汉语成语 , 原意为文质兼备的样子 , 后形容文雅有礼貌的样子 。可以翻译为“refined and courteous; behave in a refined and civil manner; well-mannered” 。
他彬彬有礼 , 但实际上却是在告诉我 , 我不可能得到这份工百思特网作 。He was very polite but effective百思特网ly he was telling me that I had no chance of getting the job.
【彬彬有礼是什么意思? 一课译词:彬彬有礼!】t sh g ho xio hu , fi chng wn h , bn bn yu l 。他是个好小伙 , 非常温和 , 彬彬有礼 。He was a nice fellow, very quiet and courteous.
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