
音乐 , 音乐 , 只是在诱惑我的眼泪 。
那念念不忘的记忆 , 是你带给我的伤痛 。
说太多不如沉默 , 想太多我会难过 。
真正放弃了才知道 , 我从未后悔过 。
It s tiring to be forced to smile for a long time.
Give me a reason not to love me, let me leave without looking back.
Don t be sad, my dear good girl. There are sisters here.
It s better to say too much than to be silent. I ll be sad if I think too much.
You didn t see it. You were looking at her and I was looking at you.
Don t hold back when you lose it. It doesn t have to be true.
给我一个不爱我的理由 , 让我走后不回头 。
光活着就很难了 , 为什么还要我快乐 。
你懂得的越多 , 你就越像这个世界的孤儿 。
你没看见 , 你在看向她的同时我在看着你 。
强颜欢笑久了 , 也是会累的 。
The feelings for you are here. I choose dignity.
Who pales who waits, who does not regret whose persistence.
失去了不要挽留 , 留来的不一定是真心 。
Music, music, is just tempting my tears.
At the end of the day, I m not fresh, am I.
说到底 , 是我没新鲜感了是吧 。
The unforgettable memory is the pain you bring to me.
Silence for too long, but can not find a sad reason.
I never regret it until I give up.
The more you know, the more orphaned you are in the world.
It s hard to live alone. Why should I be happy.
谁苍白了谁的等待 , 谁无悔着谁的执着 。
对你的感情就到这里吧 , 我选择尊严 。
沉默了太久 , 却找不到一个伤心的理由 。
你不要悲伤 , 我亲爱的好姑娘 , 有姐们在 。
Maybe he s just addicted to ambiguity, and you re gone.也许他只是暧昧成瘾 , 而你却走了心 。下面是
