argue的名词形式可数吗 argue的名词形式

本篇文章内容是和(argue的名词形式(argue的名词形式可数吗))有关的一些信息,希望本篇文章能够帮你获取到一些想要的内容 。


  • Q1:argue achieve 的名词形式,一个去E,一个不去,有

    arguementargue形容词有些直接+mentargue 英[?ɑ?ɡju?]美[?ɑ?rɡju?]v.争论; 争吵; 争辩; 论证; 说理; 证明; 表明;[例句]The mittee is concerned about players 'behaviour, especially arguing with referees委员会很关注运动员的行为,特别是与裁判争吵的行为 。

    argument[英][?ɑ:ɡju:m?nt] [美][?ɑrɡj?m?nt] 简明释义 n.争论,争吵;论据;[数]幅角;主题,情节 理由;论据;论点An argument is a statement or set of statements that you use in order to try to convince people that your opinion about something is correct. There's a strong argument for lowering the price有充分理由要求降低价格 。The doctors have set out their arguments against the proposals医生们已经陈述了他们反对这些提案的理由 。It is better to convince by argument than seduce by example.以理说服强于举例诱导 。讨论;辩论An argument is a discussion or debate in which a number of people put forward different or opposing opinions. The incident has triggered fresh arguments about the role of the extreme right in France该事件引发了关于极右翼势力在法国所起作用的新一轮讨论 。The issue has caused heated political argument.这个问题已经引发了激烈的政治争论 。争论;争执;争吵An argument is a conversation in which people disagree with each other angrily or noisily. Anny described how she got into an argument with one of the marchers.安妮描述了她是如何与其中一位游行者发生争执的 。a heated argument.激烈的争吵异议;质疑If you aept something without argument, you do not question it or disagree with it. He plied without argument他二话不说就服从了 。It should of course be given back. There is no argument about that.它当然应该还回去,这是无可争议的 。also: counter-argument;Usage Note: Be careful with the spelling of this word, and do not confuse argument and dispute. An argument is a disagreement between people who may or may not know each other. A dispute is a serious argument that can last for a long time. Disputes generally our between organizations, political parties, or countries. Note that dispute can also be a verb.请注意该词拼写,不要混淆argument和dispute 。argument指认识或不认识的人之间的争论 。dispute指可延续很长时间的严重纷争,通常发生于组织、政党和国家之间 。注意,dispute也可作动词 。for the sake of argument1.作为讨论(或论证)的基础 例句 This argument was irresistible.这个论点是无可争辩的 。They've had this argument for 20 years.他们俩为此已经争论了二十年了 。I cannot grip his argument.我未能抓住他的论据 。Provided by jukuuBecause we never had an argument I won!因为没有一次争吵我赢过! String is used in place of any null argument.字符串替代任何空参数 。I was floored by his argument.我被他的论证击败 。In the heat of an argument.在激烈的辩论中 。Provided by jukuuWhat do you think of this argument?你觉得这种论调怎么样? Involved in the argument?有没卷入到争吵中? What was the argument about?你们争论的是什么? Add a valid argument name.添加一个有效的参数名称 。That's your argument?这就是你的论点? This argument is illogical.这个论点是不合逻辑的 。putes the absolute value of its argument.计算其参数的绝对值 。Quite another to e up with a watertight, logical argument for why there can't be a sixth.想出一个滴水不漏的,逻辑论证为什么不可能有第6个完全是另一回事 。You should expand on your argument.你应该详述你的论证 。His argument fetched her round.他的论据使她信服了 。Provided by jukuuThe argument doesn't hold water.这个辩论是无理的 。Provided by jukuuHe was convinced by her argument.他为她的辩论所折服 。Provided by jukuuIt was a pretty argument.这是个巧妙的论据 。Provided by jukuu


    discussion探讨双语对照词典结果:discussion[英][d??sk??n][美][d??sk???n]n.讨论,谈论; 详述,论述; 复数:discussions以上结果来自金山词霸例句: wele the feedback and discussion. 我们欢迎反馈意见和讨论 。

    argument pressure alltime(whole time) freedom sent

    【argue的名词形式可数吗 argue的名词形式】那么以上的内容就是关于(argue的名词形式(argue的名词形式可数吗))的一些信息了,希望本篇文章能够帮到网友们获取到一些自己想要了解的内容 。(argue的名词形式(argue的名词形式可数吗))是小编精心收集整理汇总而成,希望能给大家带来帮助 。
