
老伴养花是一把好手1.综合教程1第五单元课文翻译How to be true to yoursel 怎样做个表里如一的人How to Be True to Yoursel [1]My grandparents believed you were either honest or you weren't. There was no in between. They had a simple motto hanging on heir living-room wall: "Life is like a field of newly fallen snow; where I choose to walk every step will show." They didn't have to talk about it-they demonstrated the motto by the way they lived.[2] They understood instinctively that integrity means having a personal standard of morality and ethics that does not sell out to expediency and that is not relative to the situation at hand. Integrity is an inner standard for judging your behavior. Unfortunately, integrity is in short supply today-and getting scarcer. But it is the real bottom line in every area of society. And it is something we must demand of ourselves.[3] A good test for this value is to look at what I call the Integrity Trial, which consists of three key principles:[4] Stand firmly for your convictions in the face of personal pressure. There's a story told about a surgical nurse's first day on the medical team at a well-known hospital. She was responsible for ensuring that all instruments and materials ere accounted for during an abdominal operation. The nurse said to the surgeon, "you've only removed 11 sponges, and we used 12. We need to find the last one." [5] "I removed them all," the doctor declared. "we'll close now." [6] "You can't do that, sir," objected the rookie nurse. "Think of the patient." [7] Smiling, the surgeon lifted his foot and showed the nurse the 12th sponge. "You'll do just fine in this or any other hospital," he told her.[1]我的爷爷和奶奶认为,你要么是诚实的,要么不是 。
不可能介于两者之间 。在他们起居室的墙上挂着一幅简单易懂的座右铭:“生活好像一片刚刚落满白雪的土地;我走到哪里,我的每一个脚印就会出现在哪里 。”
他们无需就此加以评说--他们是以身体力行的方式来证实这幅座右铭的 。[2]他们本能的理解是,诚实意味着具备一定的伦理道德标准,既不看风使舵,也不随着眼下的形势而转移 。
诚实是判断你行为的内在标准 。遗憾的是,如今,诚实处在短缺状态----甚至越来越稀罕 。
然而,它却是社会各个领域真正的思想上的底线,而且是我们必须要求自己严格做到的 。[3]检验这种价值标准的一个有效方法是,参看我所谓的诚实三要素,其中包括三条主要原则:[4]在个人压力面前,要坚定信念 。
有一个关于一位外科护士在一所著名医院的医疗组第一天上班时发生的故事 。在一个腹部手术中,她负责清点所有使用的器材 。
这位护士对外科医生说:“我们用了12块纱布,而你却只取出了11块 。我们必须找到最后那一块 。”
[5]“我全都取出来了,”医生肯定地说 。“我们现在缝上刀口吧 。”
[6]“先生,您不能那么办,”这位新来的护士反驳道 。“要为病人着想 。”
[7]外科医生一边微笑,一边抬起脚,让护士看到了第12块纱布 。“不管在这所医院,还是在其他任何医院,你都会干得非常出色,”他称赞这位护士说 。
[8] When you know you're right, you can't back down.[9] Always give others credit that is rightfully theirs. Don't be afraid of those who might have a better idea or who might even be smarter than you are.[10] David Ogilvy, founder of the advertising firm Ogilvy & Mather, made this point clear to his newly appointed office heads by sending each a Russian nesting doll with five progressively smaller figures inside.[11] His message was contained in the smallest doll: "If each of us hires people who are smaller than we are, we shall become a company of dwarfs. But if each of us hires people who are bigger than we are, Ogilvy & Mather will become a company of giants." And that is precisely what the company became-one of the largest and most respected advertising organizations in the world.[12] Be honest and open about who you really are. People who lack genuine core values rely on external factors-their looks or status-in order to feel good about themselves. Inevitably they will do everything they can to preserve this facade, but they will do very little to develop their inner value and personal growth.[13] So be yourself. Don't engage in a personal coverup of areas that are unpleasing in your life. When it's tough, do it tough. In other words, face reality and be adult in your responses to life's challenges.[14] Self-respect and a clear conscience are powerful components of integrity and are the basis for enriching your relationships with others.[15] Integrity means you do what you do because it's right and not just fashionable or politically correct. A life of principle, of not succumbing to the seductive sirens of an easy morality, will always win the day. It will take you forward into the 21st century without having to check your tacks in a rearview mirror. My grandparents taught me that.[8]当你知道你做得对的时 。
2.亚索台词,且随疾风前行,下句是身后亦需留心,还是身后一许流星 英雄联盟亚索台词“且随疾风前行”下一句是,“身后亦需留心 。”
英文是:"Follow the wind, but watch your back." 意思是:跟随疾风,也要当心背后的敌人 。亚索是一个专注而又灵巧的剑客,敌人往往只感到一阵剑气带来的风,就丧命于他的剑刃之下 。
但这曾经骄傲的战士现在被一次不公正的指责怪罪,被迫踏上寻求生存的道路 。全世界已经与他为敌,他不得不尽最大的努力洗清自己的冤屈,重新夺回自己的荣耀 。
扩展资料: 亚索的部分台词: 死亡如风,常伴吾身 。"Death is like the wind; always by my side." 长路漫漫,唯剑作伴 。
"A sword's poor company for a long road." 吾之荣耀,离别已久 。"My honor left a long time ago." 明日安在,无人能允 。
"No-one is promised tomorrow." 且随疾风前行,身后亦须留心 。"Follow the wind, but watch your back." 此剑之势,愈斩愈烈 。
"This blade never gets any lighter." 仁义道德,也是一种奢侈 。"Virtue is no more than a luxury." 灭亡之路,短的超乎你的想象 。
"The road to ruin is shorter than you think." 无罪之人,方可安睡 。"Sleep is for the guiltless." 正义,好个冠冕堂皇之词 。
"Justice. That's a pretty word." 回首往昔,更进一步 。"Hmph. One step ahead of the past." 吾虽浪迹天涯,却未迷失本心 。
" "A wanderer isn't always lost. 我还在寻找回家的路 。"Just looking for a road home." 不可久留于一处 。
"Never could stay in one place." 我将遵循此道,直至终结 。"I will follow this path until the end." 荣耀存于心,而非流于形 。
"Honor is in the heart, not the name." 吾之初心,永世不忘 。"I will not forget who I am." 这个故事还没有完结 。
"This story is not yet finished." 参考资料:搜狗百科-疾风剑豪 。
3.哪位帮帮忙翻译一段话 【老伴养花是一把好手】Tourism - Chengde Summer Resort
1701, bitterly cold north wind, Dishuichengbing, led by the Emperor Kangxi Manmeng Cavalry, since the north towards Beijing. His side of hunting, while Li also visited the palace in place. One day, he came to a place, is now Chengde, and see the mountains and rivers here North-South-have features, and large Gongyuan conditions, and location convenient, only 250 kilometers away from Beijing. "Couzhangchaofaxidie, IMIS and the palace grounds million for the same." Kangxi very pleased with decision Here large-scale construction Ligong, called Rehe palace. Later, Emperor Kangxi and Li Gong wrote for a big important, "Mountain Resort," Rehe renamed Chengde.
After the completion of the Summer Resort, Emperor Kangxi and Emperor Qianlong, and so every year with Concubine and Wenchen generals from the Beijing Palace here. Minister Coupen, tribal leaders and foreign envoys of worship, such as the emperor Zhu Zheng Jin Ye, also held here. Become Chengde Qing Dynasty, the second political center.
Summer Resort using natural conditions, the Jiangnan Saibei landscape into a park, and of all ethnic groups in China essence of architectural art in a manner Poly. Overhaul of the 10 km long from Gongqiang, on the potential mountains, winding, like the Great Wall the epitome of tourists after the stunning view.
4.我家的种花能手550字六年级作文 经典网种花能手2011-12-19 作者: TSMLYL 字数: 1019 阅读: 8288时间在脸蛋上留下了一条又一条的皱纹,几丝白发在她的头上“示威”着,双手失去了表面的光滑,很是粗糙,弧度上扬,酒窝浮现,一切显得那么精神、那么和蔼可亲 。
她是谁?她就是我家乡的种花能手——李奶奶 。李奶奶至今70出头了吧,但是她的种花技术不比当年差,她的技术永远是那么完美,我们自叹不如 。
在她的手下,有无数条小生命在茁壮成长,李奶奶种的花朝气蓬勃、淡雅清净、亭亭玉立,我们个个赞叹不已 。我们常常去她家拿上几粒种子自己种,可是,我们种的花不是有残枝败叶,就是失去生命,不想李奶奶种的花那样生机勃勃、神清气爽 。
同是一种种子,为什么种出的花会天地之差呢?我们很是纳闷!我很好奇,就去问李奶奶 。刚踏入房子,就见到李奶奶正聚精会神地照顾花儿,她一会儿剪残叶,一会儿浇水,她不停地忙碌着,似乎没有注意到我的存在 。
我慢慢地走近她,只见她在花儿的身上不停地来回忙碌,她的每一个动作都是那么的娴熟,注视着她的一举一动,我不禁脱口而出:“李奶奶,你的动作怎么那么娴熟呢?”听见我的疑问,李奶奶如梦初醒地抬起头,她手中的活儿却不曾停下过,她笑了笑说:“熟能生巧,怎么会不熟悉呢?”我明白的点了点头,李奶奶见我兴趣浓厚,便意味深长地告诉我她当年种花的故事:“当年我对花充满了喜爱与好奇,我好奇它们为什么那么完美,那么迷人,面对我的好奇与喜爱,我决定要了解它们,并且成为一位种花能手 。当我把一粒粒小种子埋进土壤时,心中充满了喜悦与期待,当时,我妄想着马上就有一个个小脑袋在自己的培养下冒出来,可是,那是无法实现的 。
终于,在我的盼望之下,一个个小脑袋冒出来了,我高兴极了 。可是过了几天,小脑袋低下了头,它的生命结束了,顿时,我的希望火苗火苗浇灭了!我不相信这个结果,只好再种,可是命运捉弄人啊,一连几次都这样,那是我失望极了,我的家人曾劝我放弃,但我不肯,我不愿失败,我也坚信“世上无难事,只怕有心人”会在我的生命中“开花结果” 。
也因为它和我的倔强、不服输而坚持了下来,以后的失败,我都用另一种观念去对待,我日日夜夜地研究它们,长期的花儿实践,为的是我最初的梦想 。皇天不负有心人,在我的坚持与努力下,我成功了,我实现了自己最初的梦想 。
各种各样的花儿就在我的培养下生机勃勃 。”听了李奶奶的当年事迹,我感到有一股韧劲和坚韧不拔的意志力在她的生命里流动……李奶奶的事迹永远鞭策着我,让我感到未来充满了光明,她的韧劲和坚韧不拔的意志力永远值得我学习,永远鼓舞着我向未来进发!最新推荐少女和小偷的故事~~~~~(感人,最好准备纸巾)(转载)灯考完试的反思考试之后校园秋色我的小伙伴(091023周记)运动会我的初中生活未来的笔文明交通伴我行Copyright ?2014 经典网 。
5.翻译一段话~~ During the summer holiday,the journey which impressed me most was going to Shanghai.Every summer holiday my father and I always go to Shanghai.It is a
beatiful city and impresses people very much.Shanghai is the city which I like most.
In Shanghai,we went to the wild zoo.We also went to Waitan to see the beatiful sight in the night.I like to go shopping in the Nanjing street,because it is the most lively place in Shanghai and there are many interesting thing on sale.
I hope I can go to Shanghai to work or study one day!
6.急求下面一段文章的英语翻译 (a), human life Su shi in the six people in the book "affected by personification of description to comment on calligraphy" really, do as lines, grass like walking." "Stand like regular script, running script as" go ", "run like cursive." In his book "in human form further five elements to describe the calligraphy and calligraphy of the five elements, he said:" the book will god, qi, blood, bone, meat, and the fifth is a was revealed." It's like the person "to" the word of an original theory.QingRen wang shu shi to supplement the three contents, he said: "if people" word. How do people? "Muscle, bone and flesh and blood, pure, god, gas, pulse, and can prepare eight people". The eight words can make such understanding, word, the blood and flesh, bones, and embodies the basic capability, The word of god, and reflects the chakras, the training quality.(2), certificates of externalization ambition Word is, people will, taste and pursue. LiuXiZai clear in the art of generalized said: "write, writing ethnography." He taught YanZhenQing zhang xu and the words: "the person Ju masters and good will can?" Saki, a noble, calligraphy, how could do fine?Actually, good calligraphy have profound implications, can see the ideas of the author and the interest, and often can be clear at a glance. In the art of ZhangHuai tang said in Cardiff clearly: "good articles to the calligraphy and profound, is to see that its volunteers, tabled intermittently." Careful observation, as from good calligraphy and article, can clearly see the ideas of the author, and interests.(3) is the certificate of emotions In the han yu tang big astronomers GaoXian sent here in the preface to introduce how to express cursive zhang xu borrowed his thought, have such a words: "embarrassed, sorrow and sadness, anger, regret, loss of yourself, caressing, boring, rough, have moved in heart, how shall send to the cursive." He said, ZhangXuYou what happy things, angry, or embarrassed because of grief sorrow, poor, or joyful idle, resentment, regret, or caressing boring, rough, as long as you have moved in, will be borrowed cursive express. Zhang xu instructions for cursive scripts, always with changeable mood, complicated, with strong feelings.(4), certificate of personality Wang said: "the pen, zhao feng is all nature." Putting pen to write with or reflect the nature of man. His attitude to this problem is there, he said: "in the book, the man; it is a gentleman will in books, is perilous otherwise." A man is the word can know him personally, even can see is a gentleman or sleeve. He is not fully correct, but said shuppites has close relationship with character, or sense. What the author's character from the word?A character is high, the natural elegance. Shuppites. YangShouJing qing said: "the product high is writing." preface Man of noble character, calligraphy affirmation and free from vulgarity.Two is pure, calligraphy is natural character. LiBaiYou poem called "king", which is the right army two words: "right, and the Muslim armies." a dusty ZhaoMeng and put it to deduce, became the following two sentence: "right and the Muslim armies, write pentium potential lost." All is a meaning, the first character charm, wang praise and clear, Then he praised his character, works such as ChaoYi comely, bold and unrestrained, masterly. From here, wang and his character of shuppites highly unification.The reader is old, write the first lesson. DianShi obtained, write to the poor, and to test will become invalid.Beautiful hand writing not only look at yourself, others like the eye. America has a lady violate the traffic rules, and receive a fixed penalty notice. The lady a handwritten letter sent to the local traffic police that the director. The police officer saw so beautiful ShuXieTi, immediately dismissed her fine. This is the style is the man.Some writing skills, can write a can, Some people regard is to write for art, strive for perfection, even from a people took the words written personality and character. Write like made the house, should pay attention to layout, collocation, let. But nowadays, it is really tall building, build up the sooner the better. Besides calligrapher and calligraphy lovers, and few people can heart monkish sorts and practicing writing carefreely? 。
