
1. I’m sorry for all the times I let you down.
2. I regret not being there for you when you needed me the most.
3. I apologize for not fully understanding your feelings.
4. I wish I had been a better listener and supporter for you.
5. I’m sorry that I didn’t appreciate you enough.
6. I regret not treating you with the kindness and respect you deserved.
7. I apologize for the times I was selfish and only thought of myself.
【心里对不起某人的句子】8. I’m sorry that I hurt you with my words or actions.
9. I regret not being more patient and understanding with you.
10. I apologize for not being a good friend or partner to you.
11. I wish I hadn’t taken you for granted.
12. I’m sorry that I let my mistakes affect our relationship.
13. I regret not being able to make it rIGht between us.
14. I apologize for the pain I caused you.
15. I’m sorry that I didn’t value your opinions and perspectives enough.
16. I wish I had been more supportive of your dreams and aspirations.
17. I’m sorry that I didn’t show you enough appreciation and gratitude.
18. I regret not being able to make you happy.
19. I apologize for the times I made you feel insignificant or unimportant.
20. I’m sorry that I didn’t take responsibility for my actions and their consequences.
21. I wish I had treated you with more kindness and compassion.
22. I’m sorry that I didn’t communicate effectively with you.
23. I regret not being able to understand your point of view.
24. I apologize for not being able to fix the damage that I caused.
25. I’m sorry that I broke your trust.
26. I wish I had taken better care of our relationship.
27. I’m sorry that I wasn’t able to keep my promises to you.
28. I regret not being able to make things right between us.
29. I apologize for the times I was insensitive to your needs and emotions.
30. I’m sorry that I didn’t appreciate your love enough.
31. I wish I had been more supportive and encouraging towards you.
32. I’m sorry that I wasn’t able to make you feel safe and secure.
33. I regret not being there for you when you needed me the most.
34. I apologize for not showing you enough gratitude and appreciation.
35. I’m sorry that I didn’t take your feelings into consideration.
36. I regret not being able to make you happy and fulfilled.
37. I apologize for not being a good listener and supporter to you.
38. I’m sorry that I didn’t respect your boundaries and limits.
39. I wish I had been more forgiving and understanding towards you.
40. I’m sorry that I didn’t communicate my feelings honestly and openly.
41. I regret not being able to understand your struggles and pain.
42. I apologize for the times I made you feel small and insignificant.
43. I’m sorry that I didn’t show you enough love and affection.
44. I wish I had been more patient and understanding towards you.
45. I’m sorry that I didn’t take your feelings seriously enough.
46. I regret not being able to make you feel appreciated and valued.
47. I apologize for not being able to solve our problems together.
48. I’m sorry that I didn’t treat you with the respect and kindness you deserve.
49. I wish I had been more compassionate and empathetic towards you.
50. I’m sorry that I hurt you and created distance between us.
