【服装的面料“透气性”用英语怎么说】服装透气性的英文可以说air permeability , 也可以用breathability 。
例句1:PTT knitted fabrics comfort properties of air permeability, moisture permeability and moisture conductivity were tested and evaluated.
对PTT针织面料的透气性、透湿性及导湿性等舒适性能进行了测试与评价 。
例句2: Things to look for in lightweight clothing: synthetic material ( stay away from cotton), minimum amount of pockets and zippers, thin fabric, and breathability.
轻量化的服装应选择只要注意:合成材料(远离棉质材料)、尽可能少的口袋和拉链、更薄的面料 , 而且具有透气性 。
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