Thanksgiving是什么意思英语 thanksgiving是什么意思

各位同学好 , 相信还有很多人对于thanksgiving是什么意思的相关问题不太了解 , 今天给各位分享一下关于thanksgiving是什么意思的解答 , 希望可以帮助到大家 , 下面一起来看看吧!!Thanksgiving是什么意思
Thanksgiving是一个英语单词 , 可以指代一个节日 , 也可以指代一种感恩的心情 , 在美国和加拿大 , Thanksgiving通常指的是感恩节 , 是一个重要的传统节日 , 感恩节在美国每年11月的第四个星期四举行 , 而在加拿大则是每年10月的第二个星期一 , 这个节日的目的是为了感谢上天的恩赐和丰收 , 同时也是家庭团聚、亲友聚会的时刻 。
感恩节的起源可以追溯到17世纪初的美国 , 美国的早期移民们为了适应新的环境 , 经历了许多困难和艰辛 , 在第一个严冬过后 , 他们终于迎来了第一次丰收 , 为了感谢上天的帮助 , 他们举行了一次大型的庆祝活动 , 邀请当地的原住民一起庆祝 , 这次活动被认为是感恩节的起源 , 也成为了美国的传统 。
在感恩节这一天 , 家人会聚集在一起 , 共进丰盛的晚餐 , 传统的感恩节晚餐通常包括火鸡、饼干、蔬菜、甜点等丰富的食物 , 火鸡是感恩节的代表食物 , 通常会用各种香料和调味品烹饪 , 以保持肉质的鲜嫩和美味 , 在这个特殊的日子里 , 人们会互相分享美食 , 表达对彼此的感激之情 。
感恩节也是一天的休假 , 许多人会利用这个假期回家与家人团聚 , 在这个时候 , 人们会互相道谢 , 表达对彼此的关爱和支持 , 许多人还会参加慈善活动 , 向那些需要帮助的人伸出援手 , 以回报社会 。
In English, Thanksgiving is a noun that can refer to a holiday or a feeling of gratitude. The term is most commoNLy associated with a holiday celebrated in the United States and Canada. Thanksgiving is typically obserVEd on the fourth ThuRSday of November in the United States, while in Canada it falls on the second Monday of October. The holiday is a time to give thanks for blessings and the bountiful harvest, as well as an opportunity for families to come together and celebrate.
【Thanksgiving是什么意思英语 thanksgiving是什么意思】The origins of Thanksgiving can be traced back to the early 17th century in America. The early settlers faced numeRous challenges and hardships as they adjusted to their new environment. After surviving their first harsh winter, they experienced a successful harvest and held a large celebration to express gratitude to God for their blessings. They invited local Native Americans to join in the festivities, and this event is considered the origin of Thanksgiving and has since become a cherished tradition in the United States.
On Thanksgiving Day, families gather together to enjoy a bountiful feast. Traditional Thanksgiving meals often include roasted turkey, stuffing, vegetables, and desserts. The turkey is the centerpiece of the meal and is typically seasoned and cooked to perfection to ensure a tender and flavorful meat. It is a time for people to share delicious food, express gratitude, and appreciate one another's company.
Additionally, Thanksgiving is a day off from work or school for many people, allowing them to travel and reunite with their loved ones. It is a time for individuals to express gratitude and appreciation to one another. Many people also participate in charitable activities during this time, reaching out to those in need and giving back to the community.
Overall, Thanksgiving is a holiday that holds great significance in American and Canadian cultures. It is a time for individuals to reflect on their blessings, spend quality time with loved ones, and show gratitude for the abundance in their lives.
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