walkman是什么意思英语 walkman是什么意思

Walkman是一个日本索尼公司推出的便携式音乐播放器品牌,它于1979年首次发布,当时的Walkman是一款使用磁带的便携式音乐播放器,它的问世彻底改变了人们对音乐的聆听方式 。"Walkman"这个词是由索尼公司的创始人之一,堀井修三先生提出的,他希望用户能够在行走中随时随地欣赏音乐 。
最初的Walkman以其小巧轻便和高音质而受到了广泛的欢迎,它的出现使得人们可以将音乐带到户外、旅行和运动中,而不再需要依赖于家庭音响系统或车载音乐设备,Walkman的成功激发了全球范围内的便携式音乐播放器市场,并成为了该领域的领导者 。
随着技术的进步,Walkman逐渐从磁带播放器转变为数字音频播放器,现代的Walkman可以播放多种音频格式,如MP3、WAV、FLAC等,并且具有更大的存储容量和更长的电池续航时间,现代Walkman还经常具有内置的收音机、蓝牙功能和Wi-Fi连接,使用户可以通过互联网流媒体服务随时随地访问和播放音乐 。
除了音频播放功能,一些Walkman型号还具有其他附加功能,如录音、FM调频收音机、语音记录和多种音效设置等,这些功能使得Walkman成为一种多功能的便携式娱乐设备,满足用户对音乐和其他媒体的需求 。
在当今数字化的音乐时代,Walkman仍然在市场上保持着一定的影响力,虽然智能手机和其他便携式音乐播放器的出现使得Walkman的市场份额有所下降,但仍有一些音乐爱好者和收藏家对Walkman情有独钟,对于他们来说,Walkman代表了一种怀旧和独特的音乐体验 。
Walkman是索尼公司推出的一款便携式音乐播放器品牌,它改变了人们对音乐的聆听方式,并在音乐播放器市场中发挥了重要的作用,从最初的磁带播放器到现代的数字音频播放器,Walkman不断适应和引领着技术的发展,成为了音乐爱好者和收藏家们钟爱的品牌 。
【walkman是什么意思英语 walkman是什么意思】In English, "walkman" refers to a portable music player brand introduced by Sony Corporation. The term "walkman" has become a genericized trademark, commonly used to describe any portable music player regardless of the brand. The word "walkman" itself is a combination of "walk" and "man," suggesting the ability to listen to music while walking.
The walkman was first lAUnched in 1979 as a portable cassette player by Sony. It revolutionized the way people listened to music by allowing them to carry their favorite tunes with them wherever they went. The original walkman was compact and lightweight, offering high-quality sound reproduction. It quickly gained popularity and paved the way for the portable music player market.
Over time, the walkman evolved from cassette players to digital audio players. Modern walkmans can play various audio formats, such as MP3, WAV, FLAC, and more. They come with larger storage capacities and longer battery life. Additionally, modern walkmans often feature built-in FM radios, Bluetooth capabilities, and Wi-Fi connectivity, enabling users to access and stream music from internet services anytime, anywhere.
Apart from audio playback, some walkman models offer additional features such as recording, FM radio tuning, voice recording, and various sound effects settings. This makes the walkman a versatile portable entertainment device, catering to users' music and media needs.
In today's digital music era, the walkman still holds some influence in the market. While its market share has declined due to the emergence of smartphones and other portable music players, there are still music enthusiasts and collectors who have a fondness for walkmans. For them, the walkman represents a nostalgic and unique music experience.
In conclusion, "walkman" in English refers to a portable music player brand introduced by Sony Corporation. It has played a significant role in changing the way people listen to music and has adapted to technological advancements from cassette players to digital audio players. While its market share may have diminished, the walkman brand continues to hold a special place in the hearts of music enthusiasts and collectors.
