
1. "Life is short, eat the dessert first."
2. "I have a love-hate relationship with food, but mostly just love."
3. "I always say I'm on a diet, but my mouth has other plans."
4. "Eating salad is just putting grass in your mouth and pretending to be a cow."
5. "I don't trust people who don't like pizza."
6. "I'm not overweight, I'm just undertall for my weight."
7. "I'm not a morning person, but I can be a morning breakfast person."
8. "I never met a cheese I didn't like."
9. "My favorite exercise is a cross between a lunge and a crunch. It's called lunch."
10. "Milkshakes bring all the boys to the yard, and by boys, I mean my taste buds."
11. "I go to the gym to work on my fitness, but I always leave WANting pizza."
12. "The more I study, the more I realize that all food groups are delicious."
13. "I have a strict policy: if it's fried, I'm eating it."
14. "A balanced diet means a cupcake in each hand."
15. "I'm a foodie, not a food snob. Bring on the mac and cheese."
16. "Nothing brings people together like good food and a refreshing beverage."
17. "I'm not arguing, I'm just explAIning why I need another serving of pasta."
18. "I don't know why people love kale so much. It tastes like a high-five from a tree."
19. "I have a sweet tooth, but I think I also have a salty tooth and a savory tooth."
20. "I don't always go out to eat, but when I do, I make sure it's somewhere with delicious food."
21. "I can deny myself anything, except for the temptation of fresh baked bread."
22. "My favorite part of a meal is the holy trinity: appetizers, entrees, and desserts."
23. "Eating healthy is a great way to stay in shape, but so is eating pizza and ice cream."
24. "I'm starting a new diet tomorrow. It's called the 'Just Kidding, I'm Eating Whatever I Want' diet."
25. "I wish I could turn kale into pizza with just a snap of my fingers."
26. "I've never met a burrito I didn't like."
27. "They say that laughter is the best medicine, but I think pizza is a close second."
28. "I'm not saying I'm unhealthy, I'm just saying that if food were measured in money, I'd be a millionaire."
29. "I'm a firm believer that there is no such thing as too much garlic."
30. "I'm not sure if this will help me lose weight, but I'm willing to give it a pizza chance."
31. "My diet isn't restricted, my taste buds are just adventurous."
32. "I don't snack, I just prepare for my next meal."
33. "I'm trying to cut back on carbs, but bread seEMS to have a different idea."
34. "I'll eat anything as long as it's covered in cheese."
35. "I'm not saying I'm addicted to coffee, but I do think it should be its own food group."
36. "I'm not sure what I'm going to make for dinner, but I know it invoLVes cheese and carbs."
37. "I always have room for dessert. It's called the dessert compartment of my stomach."
38. "I'm not saying I have a sweet tooth, I just have a really strong love for sugar."
39. "I'm always in search of the perfect slice of pizza. It's like trying to find a needle in a haystack."
40. "I'm not sure what heaven looks like, but I'm pretty sure it has unlimited tacos."
41. "I try to eat healthy, but when there's a plate of wings in front of me, all bets are off."
42. "I'm not saying I'm lazy, I just prefer my food to come to me wrapped in a delivery box."
43. "I always tell myself that I'm going to eat healthier, but then I get distracted by fried food."
44. "I don't always eat my vegetables, but when I do, it's because they're smothered in melted cheese."
45. "I like my food how I like my jokes – cheesy and filled with puns."
46. "People who don't like bacon are probably robots in disguise."
47. "I'm not sure what the meaning of life is, but I'm pretty sure it's not about counting calories."
48. "I have a theory that every type of food is better when it's turned into a taco."
49. "I always try to eat healthy, but then I see a plate of nachos and all my good intentions go out the window."
【美食不可辜负的幽默句】50. "If I were stranded on a desert island and could only bring one food item, it would be mac and cheese."
