
1. Goodbye and good luck!
2. Farewell for now.
3. Till we meet again.
4. Take care and goodbye.
5. See you later alligator.
6. Hasta la vista Baby.
7. Adios amigos.
8. Sayonara.
9. Au revoir.
10. Auf Wiedersehen.
11. So long, farewell.
12. Keep in touch.
13. Take care of yourself.
14. I'll miss you.
15. Have a safe trip.
16. Safe travels.
17. Bon voyage.
18. Have a good journey.
19. Godspeed.
20. May the rOAd rise to meet you.
21. May the wind be always at your back.
22. We'll meet again someday.
23. It's been a pleasure knowing you.
24. You will always be remembered.
25. I wish you all the best.
26. Stay in touch.
27. Keep in touch.
28. Keep smiling.
29. Don't forget me.
30. You'll always be in my memories.
31. You will be missed.
32. Good luck on your new adventure.
33. I hope we cross paths again.
34. Farewell my friend.
35. Take care and stay safe.
36. We had some great times together.
37. You made a difference in my life.
38. Thank you for the memories.
39. You are a true inspiration.
40. May your future be filled with success.
41. You are leaving a great legacy behind.
42. You brought happiness to our lives.
【经典告别句子】43. Go forth and conquer.
44. Your presence will be missed.
45. You will always be part of our family.
46. Thank you for your friendship.
47. You have left a mark on my heart.
48. May your dreams come true.
49. You are an amazing human being.
50. Goodbye, but not forever.
